Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 185 - I'm here to repent

One month had passed since the ambush incident took place. It's also been a month since Seraphina sees Dragon. Though she decided to just let him go because it might be better if they go with their separate ways, alas, even with that kind of mentality, Seraphina stayed at country S for some unknown reason.

Currently, Seraphina was having a drink inside a lively nightclub. Around the table, Baldie and his gang were with her. For the last past month, since they always bump into her, ironically, though she wasn't as lively as she used to be, her presence alone torments the group of hoodlums.

However, no matter how they wished she won't hang with them, at the end of the day, Seraphina follows them and tag along albeit quietly.

Baldie clears his throat to break the seemingly awkward silence in the midst of the wild nightclub. He spoke, "Big boss, you drink too much." however, the moment Baldie spats his comments, he immediately regrets his reckless words.

Given that Seraphina doesn't make trouble from quite some time now, however, Baldie was in a brink of bankruptcy because Seraphina never spent a single dime on her drinks -- it was all in baldie's tab!

"Hehe, big boss, don't misunderstand. I'm just concern for your health." Baldie immediately explicates his side.

Fortunately, Seraphina seems to not mind his words as she only made a quick glance at the tons of disarray empty bottle of beers laid on the table. Though she clearly consumed a lot of liquor, Seraphina seems to not get drunk at all.

She then pulled a wad of cash on her purse and unintentionally slam it on the table before wordlessly leaving the group of rogue men. In baldie and his men's perspective, her action shows her disp_l_e_a_s_u_r_e towards them which made them gulp a mouthful of saliva for vexing the she-devil.

"Boss, should we lay low for now?" A man who experienced Seraphina's wrath months ago suggests for he could foresee a bad premonition.


Light knocks resonated outside the infamous church of the city. With a box of beers on her left hand, Seraphina just knocks, again and again, not knowing if there's still a person inside. After god knows how many knocks, the chapel door finally opens, revealing a foreign man that resembles the late Elvis Presley with his classic night beanie and pajamas.

Still rubbing his weary eyes, he spoke, "who --" alas, seeing a familiar figure just standing in front of the chapel doors, his jaded soul instantly woke up.

"Little ancestor! It's nice to see you again!" Though Seraphina gave him a lot of troubles for pestering him whenever she wants, however, in some way, she also helped him financially. Peeking around outside, Elvis noticed that she was alone and didn't drag anyone with her.

"Uh, little ancestor? You're not here to marry yourself, right?" Elvis awkwardly inquired. After all, Seraphina is the weirdest person he had ever encounter. Hence, he wouldn't be surprised if she tells him that she realized she was beautiful and wanted to marry herself.

"No, I'm here to repent." Seraphina emotionlessly stated before intruding inside the silent chapel.

'Huh?! Repent?!' Elvis was bewildered by her reason -- and here he thought that he will never be surprised by her weird action and yet, this time, he surely thought wrong. Following her figure, Elvis' brows can't help but twitch seeing a box of beer on her possession.

"Repent over a drink?"


"Little ancestor, may the god forgive you for this blasphemy." Elvis gestured a cross sign beside Seraphina.

"Tch. what nonsense are you talking about? I'm silently confessing my sins to god and you keep interrupting me. May God forgive you." Seraphina sassed back. Though she had been in the chapel for an hour, she neither spoke a word and just kept drinking her beers. Yet, Elvis kept on babbling nonsense.

Elvis sighs heavily seeing her finally getting drunk after she consumed more liquor her body could ever take. "Little ancestor, why do you drink so much?"

"Just because…" Seraphina shrugs nonchalantly. She then gulps down another mouthful of beer. After quaffing it in great satisfaction, Seraphina's body involuntarily wobbles until she passed out on the chapel's seat pew.

Just then, a tall majestic figure entered the chapel since it was slightly opened. There, Dragon immediately spotted Seraphina. No one could discern what he was thinking as he kept his classic stoic expression. However, deep inside him, ripples of emotion waves violently the moment his gaze landed on her.

Without further ado, Dragon took immediate strides to Seraphina's unconscious state.

*sigh* "Mister groom, I know you and little ancestor might have a lovers quarrel but please take good care of her." Elvis spoke earnestly seeing Dragon's figure approached. Though Seraphina might be annoying, alas, Elvis was quite fond of her and would wish for her happiness as he considers Seraphina as his friend.

Dragon emotionlessly glanced at Elvis before carefully picking up Seraphina and gently carry her in a bride style. Just as Seraphina was comfortably snuggling at him, Dragon spoke for the first time.

"Thank you." with that said piece, he took away Seraphina with him.

On the other hand, Elvis was mildly surprised by Dragon's grateful words. In his opinion, Dragon may seem cold, aloof and a little arrogant to others, yet as a man, Elvis could tell that he really likes Seraphina by the way Dragon looks at her.

*sigh* "What a good man little ancestor found."

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