Seraphina trails her fingers to his b_a_r_e c_h_e_s_t.

"Dragon..." She murmurs.

Dragon froze in an instant hearing what she said. His shoulders immediately tensed up as his teeth clenched.

"These dragons are... remarkable." Seraphina added, referring to the huge Dragon tattoo on his c_h_e_s_t that wrapped to his torso and to his arm.

Her next words eased Dragon a little. For a moment, he thought that Seraphina knew who he really was -- which frightened him. Not because he was afraid of revealing his real identity but, that she might not understand and leave him or, it was the very reason why she approached him

Granting that they just made love. Alas, no matter how intense his feelings toward Seraphina, he was uncertain if she loves him more than he loves her.

"What if... I'm a bad person?" Dragon inquired as he runs his fingers to her spine.

Having a moment of silence, Dragon felt a little dispirited. Though Seraphina killed someone in cold-blood for his sake

, he still doesn't know which force she was siding and he won't conclude nor pry about it.

"Bad? What is bad?" Seraphina murmurs as she halts tracing his inked marks. Pursing her lips, she continues,

"There are certain activities that people call bad without knowing the reason behind it. Some do immoral and unforgivable sins to the eyes of the law and god but, what if the reason was to protect the people they love? Yes, it was undeniably awful and cannot be justified but, lots of us don't have much choice don't we? After all, not everyone can afford the law and could only succ_u_mb to its injustices. So, for me, I only consider a person as bad if he harmed my loved ones, that is the only thing I care about because I'm corrupt as that -- you won't do that, right?" Seraphina supports herself in her elbow as she turns her attention to him.

Dragon kept his silence as her words ring to him, again and again. It was as if it was her reassurance sends warmth that soon seeps to his heart.

Pulling her to his embrace, "Never." He spoke in certainty as his embrace tighten before quickly loosening it. He added, "I don't think I'll ever love someone more than you."

"Me too..." Seraphina hugged him back with content.

"Heck! God damn you! Curse your whole family!" Seraphina yelled in agitation.

Currently, she was trying to cook something for her husband. Alas, the whole kitchen turned into a mess. Now, the bacon's were all burnt into a crisp.

"Ahhh! This is so frustrating!" She added as she runs her hands to her hair. It's been a week since Dragon and her did the deed. And since then, Dragon treated her with much, too much care and of course, he wouldn't let a single day to pass without s_u_c_k_i_n_g her dry.

Moreover, he always pampers her. Hence, Seraphina realizes that all she did in this relationship was take as she hadn't done anything for him. Which led her to her current dilemma.

Unfortunately, her will to make him dinner failed, miserably. Just then, Dragon came back from work. Just as he stepped foot inside their home, the burnt smell wafted his nostrils, which alarmed him as he instantly headed to the kitchen.

There, he spotted Seraphina venting her frustration to the innocent frying pan. His gaze immediately softens, unbothered to the mess she made.

"What are you doing?"

"Uh, great." Seraphina flinches hearing his melodious voice. After she acknowledged his presence, her lifeless gaze turns to the source of the voice.

"Teaching it a lesson." Referring to the innocent frying pan who didn't do anything wrong but he receives all the blame.

The side of Dragon's lips curled upward despite Seraphina's maltreating the poor thing. He took slow strides towards her and without further ado, he hugged her from behind.

Sniffing her classic enticing odor with a faint burnt fragrance, he rests his head on her shoulders.

"I missed you."

"Eh? You were just gone for a few hours." Seraphina responded as she let go of the pan.

"Still, I missed you." Dragon audibly affirmed.

His sweetness made Seraphina forget her frustration as gratefulness soon engulfed her heart. She felt lucky having Dragon as her man. A sweet, gentle yet when seduced, he transformed into a beast.

Nonetheless, she loves every detail about him -- despite all the red warnings that rings inside her head.

If she wasn't from the underground world, Seraphina can only consider that his tattoos were just a work of art that represents the meaning behind his name.

Alas, being in the underground organization and him, having that one of a kind markings -- she can't help but think about Dragon, the leader of the triads.

Regardless, she doesn't want to conclude. And if... Just if, he turned out to be really Dragon that she knew, her love for him can make her reconsider.

But for now, she doesn't want to think about it. She doesn't want to ruin what they had now.

The seemingly pure love that neither of them thought that nothing can break and take it away. Alas, fate as wicked as it already was, would soon dawn them that neither of their hearts could take -- crashing and shattering it into dust.

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