Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 199 - things are getting crazy

"Silence everyone who knows her existence." Dragon commanded. Though Max was quite baffled to what his Master was referring, he still executed the ordered, precisely at what Dragon said.

[18 hours later]

On the side of the room, Dr. John was being held by Ezt with little bruise and cuts on his elderly face.

"Speak." Dragon demanded. Since Dr. John was held captive, he never spoke a word -- even under gunpoint.

Alas, Dr. John seemed to underestimate Dragons capabilities and resources. Even without uttering a word, Dragon retrieves clips of Seraphina going through the process of the project AUGUR. Furthermore, Ezt retrieves Seraphina's torn medical record.


Dragon impatiently pulled the trigger he was holding and aims towards the helix part of Dr. John's ears. His dark expression was akin to a grim reaper -- ready to take Dr. John's life.

Yet, Dragon was evidently holding back even though he wanted to kill Dr. John in a very torturous way he could.

"Mr. John, what have you done to Sera?" Dragon spoke as the room temperature instantly dropped to negative zero.

Doctor John instantly shudders in fright. What should he do? Surely, he will die this day -- no doubt. Of all people, why did Dragon discovered everything first hand? Even if he didn't say anything yet, he already knew! It seems like Dr. John was too used to Seraphina's cool nature as she was too lazy to dig information unless it was important.

"Dragon -- I -- I'm protecting her... From you." Mustering all his courage, Doctor John stammers yet, his eyes beneath his cracked eyeglasses were determined and there is not a trace of fear about dying could be seen.

"Protect her... from me?" Dragon repeated lifelessly. After a second, he took immediate strides towards Dr. John. Dragon abruptly pulled Dr. John by his collar -- forcefully lifting him up.

"So you killed our child?!" Dragon growled through his gritted teeth.

Dragon's eyes darken even more as the fact about his stillborn child was now dead on Seraphina's w_o_m_b yet, her beautiful wife doesn't even know about it.

If it was another person, Dragon would unhesitantly kill Dr. John in the worst way possible. Alas, part of him was thinking about Seraphina -- will she despise him if he killed the person who killed their child who is, in fact, her friend?

Dragon's grip tightens until Dr. John struggle for air. Even so, Dragon still lifts Dr. John from the ground -- choking him to death.

"Se -- Sera," Dr. John successfully uttered a word which snapped Dragon, back from his trance. Letting his neck go, Dr. John collapsed to the carpeted floor, coughing for air.

"Dragon, *cough* I know I made a big mistake but... you can't kill me, just yet." Dr. John said in between his coughs, after stabilizing his breathing, he added.

"Sera -- don't do it, she won't forgive you." Though it may sound odd, alas this is the underworld;



One day you were friends, the next day you were enemies. Hence, Dr. John knew his negligence would cost his own life but, if he were to choose, he'll willingly let Seraphina take his life -- to compensate her loss.

Moreover, if Dragon silence Dr. John himself, based on Seraphina's temperament, she won't listen and would surely go on a killing spree.

"I'm doing this favor for Seraphina, not for you but... this is as far as I can help. You should end whatever you have now because... she will still kill you." Dr. John spats courageously. Probably because of the fact that he accepted his fate, he genuinely advises Dragon.

"Why? What else do you know?" Dragon lowly growled.


Alas, time stops itself when an audible noise penetrating someone's flesh resonated across the room.


Just as Dr. John's body completely collapsed on the floor, with blood cascading from the gunshot on his c_h_e_s_t.

"No, you can't die!" Dragon commanded with authority as he tries to stop the bleeding. Alas, Dr. John's vitality slowly creeps out on him.

Of course, Dragon understood what Dr. John was implying. Indeed, Seraphina only has two sides; white and black.

For the past five months that they were together, though he didn't fully understand Seraphina's crazy train of thoughts, but, what clear to him is whenever she was mad, she listens to no one.

Just like when she passed out on their first encounter. Furthermore, the two sides that exist on her only has a strand gap that separates the two.

"Find out where it came from -- I'll kill him myself!"

Dragon had a much terrifying aura as he let down Dr. John's lifeless body.

Clearly, someone is trying to mess his relationship with Seraphina. Though the recording about Seraphina and how she volunteer to be someone's guinea pig left a huge question mark on Dragon -- he would still choose to talk and straighten things out with her.

After all, he decided to retire and spend the rest of his life with Seraphina. Hence, that's the reason why he didn't stop Seraphina from going back to Country Y.

Maybe, inside their hearts, Seraphina and Dragon are willing to give up everything and just be selfish for their own happiness.


It was almost midnight when Seraphina arrived at Country S.

Feeling excited and happy, she skips her way towards the airport exit. However, sensing that someone was following her, Seraphina slows down her pace.

"Miss, you drop this." A foreign man suddenly approached Seraphina and held her a brown envelope.

Seraphina's brows arc and smirks, scanning the foreign man, she spoke, "good fella, you do know that I can whack you this instant, right?"

"Hehe, Sorry Wiseman, My boss is just trying to help." The foreign man smiled back at Seraphina.

No one suspected that both of them didn't know each other yet, their grinning smiles depicted their relationship as friends that coincidentally met.


"Miss, the content inside this is much interesting than my big guy's identity." The man reassured as a knowing grin formed on the side of his lips.

"Oh? Sorry, not interested." Seraphina smirks back as she turns her head away from the guy. Alas, just as she was heading to the exit, she bumps into some unknown stranger again.

Few pictures scattered on the floor which made Seraphina's whole body froze. The stranger smirks as he leisurely collects the scattered photos from the ground.

Alas, the man also halts when a metal as thin as a needle but sharp and has a painful effect even with just a little prick, was placed on his nape.

Seraphina bent down as if helping a friend while her hand on his nape, "Say, my friend, now that you finally piqued my interest -- can you afford the consequences?"

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