Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 205 - the beginning of the end VI

[a few days later]

His eyes beneath his lids start to flicker as Dragon regained his consciousness. Soon, his eyes cracked open. His room wasn't too bright -- as if it was designed for him to have a comfortable vision when he woke up.

Meekly scanning the room, Dragon spotted Ezt and Max on the side. It seems that they hadn't noticed their master regaining consciousness as both have grim expression plastered across their faces.

The next second, Max moves his gaze on Dragon. As soon as he saw his pale complexion yet conscious master, he immediately called out and rushed towards Dragon. Ezt, on the other hand, pressed the button that calls for medical staff.


Dragon weakly gestured him to keep his distance. "Where is she?"

Max halted as he heard the first words of his master the moment he woke up. Contemplating for a while, Max decided to come clean and report everything to Dragon. After all, it's better to tell him earlier than regret later.

"Master, we sent Ms. Seraphina Yue back to country y and re-enact another accident to tamper what really happened. Also, it is also to let her family know about her condition. Last week, she was transferred to Jin Medical Group but after her transfer, it was harder to get any news about her."

Dragon haltingly absorbs Max words and contemplated about his right-hand man's decision. After some time, Dragon nodded in understanding.

"How long was I in coma?"

"It's been a month and 3 days, Master." Max courtly responded in precision. After that, silence gradually envelops the room as Dragon didn't utter a word.

"Max, I had a very long and tiring dream. Never mention that woman's name again." After Dragon emotionlessly spat his words, a group of doctors abruptly intrude his room.

After paying respect to Dragon as if he was a king, they checked his vitals and his condition. Every one only heaves a sigh of relief after they made sure that Dragon was alright and had no other complication.


Months have passed and Dragon recovered to his original state. Since then, everyone, especially those core members of his organization felt the huge change from Dragon. If they thought that he was already a tyrant before, well, they are wrong. Compare to his current state, everyone thought that the boss they knew before was a lost angel with a halo.

But now, just one wrong move, whether small or big -- they'll lose their life. It was worse than a martial law as any minute, anyone can die.

Gradually, despite that Dragon has an unpredictable behavior, everyone adjusts and got accustomed to him. After all, they are clear that Dragon was a tyrant for a reason. He valued those people who stay loyal to him even under gunpoint, those who never question and fully trust his decision.

That is the only criteria they needed to fulfill to live long enough. Also, ever since he woke up from his coma, Seraphina's name has become a taboo and only refers to her as 'that woman' whenever they report news about her to Dragon.

"Master, it's been half a year and that woman was still in a coma. Jin Medical has tight security and the last time our men tries to infiltrate their system -- it immediately locked down all information and even tracked our men's real IP address. Luckily, reinforcement came right on time. Master, the Jin family are being backed by the government -- we can't risk your safety." Max states his report solemnly. Though he was certain that Dragon despises Seraphina, he was still baffled about Dragon's purpose on keeping track of her condition.

"Marga Yue."


"Set me an appointment with Marga Yue." Dragon commanded unenthusiastically before he waves Max away. Max tried his best to keep his curiosity at bay and execute the simple task Dragon assigned to him.

When Max left, Dragon leaned his back on the expensive looking chair and opened one of the desk compartment. He inertly grabbed a small box. When he opens it, a simple yet sophisticated ring was revealed.

Back then, he was prepared to propose to Seraphina and was willing to confess everything. Whether she will accept him or not, he was resolute that he will change -- for her. Alas, before he could do so, everything escalated to the extreme disorder and intricacy.

After looking at the ring for a while, Dragon emotionlessly retracted his gaze from it and put the thing back to where it was originally placed.

'Sera… Don't you dare die.'

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