[Country X, Sparkling Hotel]

Currently, Wren Tanaka and Alexander Han were rushing their way on a certain floor where their informants said Seraphina headed. On the other hand, Tito was on the ground floor scrutinizing any suspicious movements while inconspicuously safeguarding the oblivious employees of Yue International Enterprise.

As Wren and Alex were on the lift, Wren's phone rang -- almost startling Wren's racing heart.

"Hey, big earner, Big daddy's name wasn't on the hit list." X's voice has a touch of disp_l_e_a_s_u_r_e as if he was scammed.

"Dammmit! That -- it was Seraphina Yue." Wren swears; realizing that the others hadn't know Seraphina's secret. After all, the kill order that was spread across the underground and Seraphina's name was now selling hot by felons -- eyeing the bounty on her head. Fortunately, Seraphina's encounter with Mike wasn't gone to waste as it was Mike who got the information about Seraphina's mark.

"Uh, who's that?" X was much more uninterested hearing another name being marked instead of his boss. Hence, he inquired with a lack of enthusiasm.

"Boss -- Boss' woman. Just keep your godamn eye on any suspicious movement here. If something happened to her -- we're all doom."

X's bored tone instantly went from zero to hero hearing 'boss' woman'. After all, knowing his boss, he'll wreak havoc if anyone messes with any of them, what more if someone put a price on his woman. Hence, a determined glint flashes across his youthful round eyes -- going all out; activating god's eye in lightning speed.

On the spot, Rex and Leon receive a code red order indicating it's highest importance.


[At an abandoned house in country Y]

"Ahhhh! F*cking cunt! I'll f*ckng do you all up[1]! Ahhh!" A man who's covered with wounds screams at the top of his lungs as he spat his curses towards the people who ensnare their whole borgata[2] to a pulp.

"Shut the f*cking hell up or my Roscoe[3] will sing you a lullaby!" Riggs spat back restaining his urge to beat the man up.

Since he wasn't able to rest the moment he landed in country y, Riggs was overstrung than he originally was. Though Seraphina permitted him to take a leave, alas, she took back her words even before he could even start his 'me time.'

"F*ck you!" Yet, Riggs threats only made the man scorn even more, hence, he swears at Riggs with his wicked disheveled appearance.

Seeing that their hostage is not backing down, Riggs expression turns grimmer as he takes an immediate stride towards the wounded tied man.

Alas, just as Riggs was a foot away with the man who he will beat until he cannot longer speak, Jack's calm voice resonated.

"My, my, and here I thought you are crying your heart out -- but, I guess you moved on, eh?" Riggs glared at Jack the moment he entered the obscure and haunted-looking room.

Jack with his classic long, silky black hair that was tied in a ponytail, his gold-rimmed glasses that emboss his high bridge nose, and was wearing an expensive well-ironed black suit looks at Riggs with nonchalance.

"Tch. I'm outta here." Riggs clicks his tongue as his annoyance with the cursing man on the background was left shun.

"Uh… you can't." Jack calmly informed Riggs as he shoves his hand inside his pocket.

"Ha! There's no way I'll listen to this man's concert all night."

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but you have to stay here. We're going to rescue princess peach from Bowser."

"Screw your barracuda, Mario." Riggs as annoyed as he can be didn't stop his strides of taking his leave.

"Well, that Barracuda is your little miss."

Riggs froze in his tracks that instant hearing the word 'little miss'. Turning his attention back to Jack, his brows raised as he foresaw a bad premonition.

"Yes, the damsel in distress is the person you and Uno are babysitting. Though, I am quite baffled why everyone is so worked up -- even Leon is going. Is she that pretty?" Jack tilts his head as he slid a stick of cigarettes from his thin case then clip it in between his lips before lighting it up.

After taking his first drag, Jack added; "well, I have to confirm that myself. So, enjoy the concert."

Alas, just as Jack was about to turn and leave, Riggs rigidly resumed his steps and hardly brushed his shoulders to Jack's.

"Hey!" Jack called out to his retreating yet, Riggs neither stopped nor look back again.

As soon as Riggs was nowhere in sight, the corner of Jack's lips curled upward then turned his attention to their hostage who's wincing in pain.

"That work out well, isn't?"

Indeed, Jack was unwilling to lend his hand to rescue someone who holds no importance to him. Furthermore, Jack only listens to Luciano's order and was unwilling to be a knight in an expensive suit. Also, he already learned from the mistake of his late confidants who played the hero role. Hence, he had to play Riggs little mind for a bit.

"Well, Goner, the best option to live long is to not disturb my rest… if not, you'll die buckwheats." Jack states trivially as he drags a wooden chair and placed near the wounded man on the muddy and dusty floor. Jack then leisurely took a seat as he placed his feet on the man's trembling shoulder -- using him as his footstool.

"Shh… your shoulders are… shaky. I told you, I hate being disturbed."

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