"Cigarette?" Seraphina raised her eyebrows as she pursed her lips on a thin line. One could tell that she was resisting a great urge as she scans their dubious expression.

"What?!" Seraphina asked seeing their odd expression to her. It was as if she has done something unforgivable by their gazes.

"No, cigarette. It will slow the drug to wear off." Rex's flat tone affirmed to Seraphina.

Seraphina jolted from her seat and walked back and forth while biting her nails. If one can witness how fats she changes her mood -- they'll probably think that she has gone mad. Alas, though Seraphina knew what she was doing, alas, she doesn't care what these men see her as she could feel the drug slowly kicking in, again.

"What to do-- what to do…" Seraphina murmurs audibly. She knew that if she can't keep herself busy, the drug will go to her head which Seraphina was evading to happen. On the other hand, aside from the awe expression of Leon, the rest of her men brows creased.

"Ah!" after going back and forth, Seraphina's distraught expression brightens up as if her problems have been solved.

"Very… clever. Haha!" Seraphina mutters in amus_e_m_e_nt as she turns her attention back to the men who were scattered on the side of the grand living area. "The We son -- where can he hide? Where can he possibly hide from Dragon's eye and from me? Haha, he's clever." Seraphina added as if she was stating the obvious, yet, all she got was the confused expression from them.

Sighing heavily, Seraphina added; "Ohh, Look at you all, you look so blank -- it must have been nice to be a normie."

"Uh," Wren almost puke blood by Seraphina's aggravating words and the fact that she is turning crazy and out of hand by the second. Alas, he kept his irate heart at bay, understanding that Seraphina was under an unknown drug and she was probably having a much harder time to fight the urge.

"Enlighten me, my lady." Leon calmly responded as his hand was cupping on his chin, anticipating her great deduction. After all, he was on the mission first before the assumed rescue mission that turned out to be a pick-up mission. Hence, even though he had his fun on that Borgata, traces of their leader was left unknown.

"A place Dragon and I won't bother to search -- prison," Seraphina smirks in triumph. Since Max and George can be dealt with later, Seraphina finds this matter with high importance. After all, she can always get her hands on Max and George Yue but that We descendant would give her a lot of trouble. Furthermore, aside from Dragon, other organization was probably after him -- to be on the good side of Dragon.

Wren clears his throat before he clarified, staggering. "Bo--boss, you mean, we'll infiltrate country y's state prison?" Wren held his breath as he anticipates her answer -- hoping that she has a better plan in mind.

"Definitely, yes!" Seraphina rolled her eyes as if she found the question lack of intelligence. She added; "X, can you find that little guest of the state in a short amount of time? This beauty here needed to kill a whole week of time before I can calm my head."

Seraphina pressed the transceiver on her ear as she skips while she continuously waves her hand in a circular motion -- to keep her body moving.

"Ehh, alright?"

"C'mon, double time -- chop chop!" Seraphina expedites through the line. After her brief conversation with X, Seraphina then turned her attention back to the speechless men blankly staring at her.

"Huh? What now?" tilting her head in confusion, she can't believe that there will be the day she will witness them be so out of mind which somewhat entertaines her in a way.

"We? Infiltrate a state prison? Boss! Do you have a death wish?!" Wren who snapped back to reality after hearing Seraphina's orders and acting as if she was only going on a sunny field trip incited.

Given that they had done extreme deeds and life and death missions, but, infiltrating the government was off-limits. Just as how the government doesn't infiltrate each Don's daily lives and turf. Hence, if they had done this -- not only people in the underground but also the government will come after her head.

"Tch." Seraphina clicks her tongue in annoyance as she glared at the much perturb Wren.

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