"I see… I'm looking forward to it." Leon responded calmly than ever. It was as if all the ominous aura surrounding him for the past year vanished -- just like that.

"Don't," Seraphina warned yet, her words were repelled by Leon's gentle gaze.

"Don't hesitate this time… boss." Leon's voice contains relentless affirmation as if to remind her promise that was set in stone years ago.

For some reason, Seraphina's mood turns dull and was displeased by how Leon's perspective and the promise she made a long time ago was still deeply engraved to her peculiar subordinate. Even so, she knew that the day will come to grant her words.

Not rebutting anymore, Seraphina closed her eyes again -- letting Leon stare at her in delight.


Alexander winced in pain feeling the excruciating pain he receive by Seraphina's bullets. Currently, Seraphina was only grazing him yet, the heat that slightly ripping his skin in a lightning speed was enough for him to scream in pain.

"Man, can you express yourself a little?" Seraphina lazily uttered as she scratches her temple using the muzzle of her pistol. Earlier, though she told everyone that she will do the initiation and her brief threat towards Alex, alas, Alexander Han neither protest nor retaliate as if he is expecting the worst.

"Omerta; our code of silence. One must not betray any of the secrets of Luciano famiglia -- under any circ_u_mstances even facing death."


"Argh!" Alex gritted his teeth by another bullet grazing his skin causing him to bleed more. No doubt, Seraphina's way of torture was like teasing in a painful way.

With the said rule, Seraphina grazes Alexander Han's arm while she was still sitting on a wooden chair not far away from him. "Repeat," she commanded not caring if he recovered with the new wound he inflicted.

"I -- I w--on't!" With great effort, Alex responded yet the moment he uttered his understanding, another deafening noise coming from her handgun resonated around the brightly lit red room. Ironically, most torture room or where initiation was taking place that can be seen on movies are generally obscure adding to the effect. Yet, this particular room was too bright. Alex can clearly see the four corners of the empty room aside from his blood.

Though his body was tainted with blood and wounds, the color of the thick crimson liquid that cascading to the floor was camouflaged on the same color of the room. If one doesn't touch the floor where Alex was standing, they wouldn't know that his blood was smeared on the concrete floor.

"I said, REPEAT." Seraphina's tone was demanding and firm. There is no trace of the usual Seraphina he used to see because right now, the person who was in charge of his initiation was taking this situation in great importance. Indeed, Seraphina is a mafia Don -- she was ruthless and know how to discipline her dogs.

Despite the fact that she was a female, her gender is not a hindrance of becoming one and to what she is now. There is no doubt that even if Alexander would change his mind and retaliate -- she has the brawn and killing him with her b_a_r_e hands are as easy as one two three.

"I swear -- I shall not betray the secret of the family and you -- Luciano; even facing death!" After some time, Alex found the strength to repeat the rule she uttered despite the pain that slowly creeping inside him.

"Two; You shall not covet nor violate your brother's wife and children." Seraphina continued not giving Alexander Han a chance to recuperate to the first question with an additional injury.

"I said --" raising her gun again to snapped Alex's attention back to her, alas, Alex spoke hurriedly halting her obvious incoming action.

"I -- shall and never covet nor violate any of the members' wife and children!" he spoke through his gritted teeth. Seeing his slowly building resolute, Seraphina's eyes had an indiscernible glint that flashed through her eyes. Whether she was satisfied with his progress or not, no one can tell. She resumed,

"Three; you will never be involved in narcotics or any illegal drugs."

Alexander Han'd reflexes and response gets faster and rigid due to the pain that Seraphina gifted him -- which made his adrenaline kicked in and make him automatically repeat Seraphina's words as if embedding the rules to his mind.

"Four; never question the Don -- your godfather; me about my decision." Seraphina spats with her authoritative tone which Alex repeated instantly while putting pressure to his wounds to ease, at least for a bit the pain he was experiencing.

"Five; don't play the hero role -- don't you die because you're saving others whose not part of my family." This time, Seraphina's voice contains a much oppressing tone which means it holds great importance to her.

"Huh, what an odd rule." For some reason, in spite that Alexander Han was in unimaginable pain, he scorns hearing an obvious rule.


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