Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 229 - Well done, warden

"Good day, Mr. Jack Edwards. I --" The chief of police held his hand in a handshake but Jack only glance at it before he cut off his pleasantries.

"detective Garry Turner and chief of police Edgar Patterson, what an honor to have you both here," Jack greeted in a cheerful manner. Though the room temperature was cold to affect Jack and add to the anxiety effect the room gives off yet, Jack was unfazed. He seems to be much calmer by the second.

Jack unclasped his hands as he taps his finger on the surface of the table making a 'tat' sound in a consistent rhythm.

Edgar Patterson meekly smiled that didn't reach his eyes before he retracted his hands. He spoke, "Jack Edwards, suspect of multiple heists incident for the past decade -- after being on the run for a long time, is now captured." Edgar's tone turned grimmer as the video that recording them was shut off.

One couldn't tell what they are up to, but clearly, Jack's fate will never take the peaceful route.

"What?" Jack's brows knitted pretending to be confused by the accusation the chief of police spats. Of course, even if everyone knew about his crimes -- he will never admit his felony under any circ_u_mstances.

"Huh, right. Mr. Edwards, the moment you decide to turn yourself in, you should have known that there's no turning back."

Still tapping his fingers, Jack's gaze pierces through the stern look of Edgar before his eyes slightly curled upward.

"Chief, will you listen to my confession?" out of nowhere, Jack inquired still staring directly at Edgar's blue, as clear and deep as the ocean optics.

Though they are there to interrogate and squeeze every information Jack holds, alas, it would be easier if he willingly confesses all the crimes and drops all the names that were hiding in the shadows of the underworld.

"10 years ago, Gerald Brown, a hotshot banker in the country's leading banks was accused and sentenced to lethal injection with the crime of killing 20 people inside the place he was working; He also stole 600 million dollars cash. None knew where he put all the money and his objective of doing so since he was already living the dream and was known to be a charitable man. Alas, a month before he was executed, he met a man who knew his true colors -- Gerald's had a very, let's say interesting hobby. He likes traveling and the most place he always visit is a very unknown place in country U -- where a secret, a very confidential organization that hunts and abduct unlucky tourist and makes them their plaything to their clients like Gerald; whether they dismember their so-called goods or skin them alive -- no one would care because they paid a huge sum of money to that so called… service. But, one time, after Gerald's work leave and vent all his stress to that hell bound place, a man followed him -- it turned out that the man, with a long hair and had a gold-rimmed glasses was the brother he recently violates; before killing her in an unimaginable way. The man approached him and asked courtly if he recognized the girl in the picture. Of course, Gerald said 'I don't' without any lingering guilt in his eyes. But, the long haired-man was adamant and went closer to him. He looked at him in the eyes as if talking to his subconscious mind and started prattling about her missing sister -- he said, she has a bright smile as warm as the spring, the gleam of her eyes as if she can only see the beauty of the world, and her heart is the purest and the kindest a person can have. However, Gerald was unremorseful and shrug the man off but the man was continuously blabbering about her sister's kind deed -- as if going through Gerald's mind. The man then held Gerald on the nape and said -- you will listen to my command in five, four, three…

"Chief?" the detective present on the side was snapped back to reality when Jack started his count down. Alas, the chief of police was too immerse in Jack's story as he looks at him in the eyes -- completely focused on Jack.


"Sir!" Garry jolted from his seat as he immediately pulled a gun from beneath his suite. Alas, he was too late as Jack finished his countdown.

"One. Now, sleep." With that said note, the chief of police, Edgar Patterson hangs his head low and his forehead was about to land on the table. Luckily, Jack friskily slid his hand so Edgar's head didn't crash on the hard surface of the table and on Jack's palm instead.

"Gerald, can you hear me? Now, open your eyes and look at me." Jack snapped his finger and cause Edgar to regained consciousness but, the chief of police's eyes was devoid of any consciousness as if he was under hypnosis.

Jack's brazen action alarmed the whole state prison which made numerous on-duty officers rushed to that certain interrogation room. Alas, the voice of the warden resonated across every corner of the premises -- that even inmates and all the present individuals can hear him, loud and clear.

"Stay on your post or I'll pull the trigger that was placed on my temple."


[inside the warden's office]

The respectable warden of the state prison was sitting calmly on his desk seat while holding a handgun aimed at his temple. His eyes were blank -- same as what the chief of police -- it was as if he turned into a puppet that was acting accordingLY to the master puppeteer's command.

"Well done, Warden." Leon complimented who was leisurely wiping a pistol in his possession while sitting cross-legged at one of the office sofas.

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