Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 231 - Are you perhaps, Jesus?

Reaching a certain cell that differs from the normal ones, Garry stops his tracks in front of the cell gate that changed into a door.

"Ironic -- an extravagant cell to a felon. Sketchy -- makes me wonder if the higher-ups know this… corruption. Yikes." Jack mumbles in a trivial manner -- obviously trying to get on the detective's nerves. However, since Garry was wary about whatever trick Jack on his sleeves, hence, if getting on his nerves or anything that he says or does -- Garry won't take it to the heart, afraid that he might be hypnotized the moment he let his guard down.

Without a word, detective Garry fiddles through the bunch keys and then, slid a certain metal carved-piece that matched perfectly to the door which made an audible 'clack' sound indicating it unlocked.

The moment it opened, Garry was prepared to receive a whole batch of humiliating criticism from Jack as the person inside was roughly injecting himself an illegal drug; looking high and drugged. Moreover, the cell was renovated to make it look like a hotel room with a flat screen tv on the wall, an enormous comfortable bed and also some game console to kill some time.

"Wow -- what a scene! Today, I must thank the warden from broadening my knowledge to a new horizon!" as expected, the moment Jack saw Wesley We inside, he automatically let his sarcasm out without any restraint. Luckily, Garry has prepared himself to his ridiculing remarks hence, he constraint himself to be affected by Jack's sarcasm.

Wesley We, as high as he was had a baffled expression seeing the two familiar face of detective Garry and chief Edgar. He then shifts his weary eyes to Jack. If he was in a normal state, Wesley We will probably be alerted by Jack's presence -- after all, Jack is quite infamous in the underworld albeit he is the kind of person who's full of mystery.

However, Wesley We's vision was doubling and his senses are slowing down making him dizzy and his mind wanders.

"Detective, why are you here?" Wesley We inquired with a lack of enthusiasm under the influence of the drug.

"Wesley, I am here to save you." Jack humored then let out a chuckle as he can't contain his amus_e_m_e_nt towards the people who were authorized to run this place.

"Save me? Are you perhaps, Jesus?"

"Hahaha!" Jack cracked up as he held his stomach -- laughing by the words Wesley blurted out. On the other hand, Garry's hand balled; trembling, displaying his dismay about the more humiliation being cast on him.

"Yes, yes! I am indeed the holy one." Jack answered in between his laughter. He added; "Why don't you assist our lost sheep, disciple?" referring that Garry must help Wesley and be an accessory for their escape.

Surely, Jack will reap all the benefits and making sure that after this incident, Garry, Edgar, the warden and everyone who run and has the authority inside this prison state will be demoted and face all the consequences by their incompetence.

Soon, when Jack and the three reached the vast field inside the state prison, a private chopper which seemed to be one of the government properties was already on standby -- waiting for its passenger.

To Garry's perspective, that helicopter though seemed to be the governments' property -- he was certain that it wasn't and only made it look like one. Glancing at his wristwatch, Garry smirks in triumph.

Tossing Wesley We who he was originally carrying on his shoulder, he spoke.

"Mr. Joker, you really underestimated our security system." With that said note, numerous swat team came into sight -- surrounding the vast yard which made Jack's grin disappear.

Raising his hand, Garry put the whole stand-by riffles on a halt.

"The chief already told you; the moment you step your foot here, you are already captured... Mr. Jack Edwards, you have the right to remain silent. If you say anything, what you say may be used against you in the court law. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so d_e_s_i_r_e. If you choose to talk to the police officer, you have the right to stop the interview at any time." Garry spats his arrest chant indicating his triumph after all the humiliating words he receives earlier from Jack.

After Garry spats his Miranda warning, the swat leader who's in a full gear approached them and was heading to Jack's standpoint -- for an arrest. Jack glared at the Garry in contempt as he raised his hands in defeat.

"Garry, didn't I say let's not make things hard for us?"

Just as Jack spats his last remarks, everything went silent by the next second as the whole area seems to lose its oxygen. Slowly, Jack's shock expression glances down along with his hand on his now bleeding c_h_e_s_t.

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