With an altitude of hundreds of feet, Seraphina embraced herself from the impact. Holding on the steering will in "10 and 2" position, Seraphina peered the closing gap of her and the still welcoming river ahead. Breathing in and out, she slowly closes her eyes as if counting and memorizing the things on what should she do in this instance.

'60 seconds… before the car can fully sink, 120 seconds at most-- so I only have a limited time to get out of here before it will become impossible for escape.' Seraphina calculated in her mind her time limit.

Gritting her teeth, the car she was in finally landed on the river surface causing an enormous impact and pressure towards Seraphina. Fortunately, the airbag did help to lessen an injury her body could inflict.

Once Seraphina got a hold of herself, she shook her head lightly before she instantly fiddles on her seatbelt as it was her first priority. Alas, it took her some time and too much force to unbuckle her seatbelt as it was acting up due to the impact.

"D*mn it!" Seraphina cursed through her gritted her teeth and pulled her seatbelt in a paramount force which actually succeeded. Alas, the moment Seraphina unstrapped herself, the water level already arises on the window yet, she still wanted to try if it's still functioning as an opened window is the easiest route she can take for a successful escape.

Every tick of the clock, Seraphina's subconscious mind was akin to a huge time bomb; counting down her life expectancy. Luckily, she had too many life-threatening situations such as this hence, the little devils whispering on her ears were rendered shun by her, as her mind solely focused on the should and shouldn't do in her situation.

Rolling down the window, Seraphina's eyes lit up seeing that it was still functioning albeit, it stopped when there is only an inch gap opened.

'I can't open the door yet, it will only flood and sink the car much faster with the pressure from the impact outside… think -- think, Sera!' Seraphina thought inwardly trying to clear her head for her to think and divert all her attention to save herself.

As the water slowly floods inside the car, Seraphina punches the driver's window -- attempting to break it. Alas, their car is no ordinary vehicle and can only break by a punch if Tito is the one who strikes an attack -- meaning, she needed a weapon to break it.

After a few attempts, Seraphina glances at the seat headrest. Without further ado, she removes the driver seat headrest and strikes on the lower corner of the window with the tongs on the bottom. Several attempts later, Seraphina progresses, denting the car windows.

She then shifts and repositions on the passenger seat as she spurts a kick to the driver seat window. One after another, Seraphina's adrenaline rush kicked in as the water inside the car is filling up -- almost reaching her chin.

'Just a little more.' she convinced herself trying to cheer her fading hope. Still kicking on the dented window, Seraphina gasped for air on the little space that hasn't been filled with water yet and continues her attempt on breaking the window.

For the last time, Seraphina took a long drag of oxygen left before the whole car submerged into the water.

"Another 60 second -- no, 120 seconds, to hold my breath in. I have to get out of here before I'll get myself buried to the depths of this river.' Holding her nose, Seraphina closed her mouth, preserving her breath as she also submerged on the water.

Feeling the car door handle, on her knowledge, since the car's impact had been for a while and certainly, the pressure from the outside the car and the inside is now equally stabilized because the inside of the car was now filled with water as well -- giving her 50/50 chance that the door might still work or it might also not. But, in this type of situation, Seraphina would try everything she could for her survival.

'Come on!' Seraphina chanted internally in distressed but, the moment she felt that 'tak' sound reverberated on her touch, her eyes lit up. Without a second delay, though she was holding her breathing for almost two minutes now, Seraphina propels her arms upward.

'Faster -- a little bit more…' Seraphina cheered herself as her eyes started to cloud meaning she was about to lose her consciousness. Yet, as dauntless and as someone as desperate to live like her -- giving up doesn't exist in her vocabulary. She knew her capabilities and was well aware that the moment she resurfaced, one of her confidants would be waiting for her.

However, life must have been trying to kill her as what she was supposed to be. A few more feet, she would already reach the surface, alas, her preserve oxygen already on its limits. Slowly, Seraphina can only reach her hands as her whole heavy body began to sink.

The time when someone held on her hands and dragged her to the surface, she already lost her consciousness.

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