After a brief moment, Seraphina's cough subsided as the medicine's effect immediately kicked in -- calming her nerves down. Earlier, though she was already numb by any pain she inflicts, alas, for some reason, she could feel her internals being ripped apart causing internal bleeding.

Glancing at her surrounding, Seraphina could guess their muddled mind through their worried gazes. Surely, these subordinates were truly concerned about her well-being. Her gaze then shifts to Leon who was keeping his blank face as he looks down on her.

If Seraphina wasn't well-versed about Leon's nature, his seemingly unfazed look would depict his arrogance and indifference about her alas, she clearly knew what his eyes meant -- confused.

Smirking, Seraphina arched her brows and slightly raised her chin -- still looking proud and mighty. "Don't take it to the heart, brother." and then she supported herself and nonchalantly left the room without a word and she feigns ignorance to the rest of her confidants.

The moment Seraphina headed to god knows where Riggs agitated voice resonated to the four corners of the room. "What the f*ck is that?"

Leon's sharp, piercing eyes also shift to Rex as if waiting for a reasonable explanation about Seraphina. Earlier, Seraphina surprisingly brought numerous sharp objects of smaller sizes that she used to attack him.

Of course, Leon was as fast as her in terms of speed, hence, he dodges her attacks as he closed the gap between them. Since he doesn't have any weapon, Leon can only dodge and wait for an opening to de-armed her for a fair brawl.

Alas, Leon saw her almost lost her balance for a brief second and her eyes seem to lose its life as if she was silently suffering inside. Just then, Leon was instantly reminded that she was still drugged and it hasn't fully left her system yet.

Getting out on his battle mode, Leon was about to draw closer to her to check her condition, alas, Seraphina threw a small dagger to him. The dagger was three inches long, it has a wooden handle with a perfect back to back double 'L' letter that was carved in it -- displaying that it was owned and had sentimental value to the owner.

Since he lowers his guard a little, Leon was slightly late to avoid the incoming dagger. Thus, the only way to stop it is by catching it with his b_a_r_e hands. Indeed, that moment, the sentimental dagger soon slit his skin deep of his rough palm penetrating his flesh -- causing it to bleed heavily.

However, Leon was unfazed and didn't mind the deep injury he received as Seraphina starts coughing and after a few coughs, she spits blood which shock Leon to the core. Her words the other night 'I'll die' began to ring on his head -- over and over again.

Before he realized it, Rex and the others were already there giving assistance to her. And after a couple of minutes, she looks at him showing her ever dauntless front to cover up her hidden emotions. However, every twitch of her brows, any movement of her sharp eyes, every flutter of her lashes, and how the side of her lips was curled upward -- Leon read her provoking expression in the other way it depicts.



Now that she already left, he was inclined to know what was the note that Ezt left to Rex.

"The drug was probably starting to wear off -- the blood she coughed was the sign…" sensing that his confidant would not let him go and will corner him, Rex calmly explicates. He continued,

"The drug that's within her wasn't deadly at first but, once it got into someone system, she'll be hooked -- for life." Rex paused for a moment before he resumed again,

"But, now that she hadn't taken any drug despite her body's d_e_s_i_r_e, it seems that there is a mishap on the calculation we hadn't overlook yet." Though there isn't much change of Rex ever composed tone, alas, his words indicate that the drug had still some unknown side effects and might probably torment Seraphina before it completely wears off.

Although Rex was assured that the drug she had shouldn't be deadly but, for some reason, he felt uneasy witnessing Seraphina coughing blood and turning more paler before she left them.

"Wren, do you know a trusted hospital that can look into her condition?" Fixing his gaze on Wren's appalled expression, Rex inquired. Alas, before Wren could respond, Riggs confused voice intervenes.

"Eh? Boss' boyfriend is a genius doctor.

Wren: "No."

Rex: "not Liam Jin." both answered at the same time which causes Riggs brows to knit in suspicion -- Wren also knit his brows before turning back his attention to Rex.

Hearing Liam's name being uttered by Rex. To Wren's knowledge, Rex doesn't know about Seraphina's identity until yesterday, and the people she was associated with in the normal world. Hence, how can he know Liam and not Sera?

"How did you know about Liam Jin, Rex?" Wren inquired.

"Why not Liam, Wren?" Riggs also instigated to Wren.

"Err, he is suspicious. For some reason, I think he is bad news to the boss." Wren spats in a matter of factly tone under the instigation of Riggs since Rex was taking his time to respond to their inquiry.

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