Seraphina meekly smiled that didn't reach her eyes as if anticipating for Logan's response. Logan gulps lightly as he cleared his throat, "you really have Konrad's genes."

"I am -- I originally came from him. Well, since I got your full attention, why don't we get down to the real business?" Seraphina clasped her hands together and placed her arms on the edge of the tatami table that was placed between them.

"What do you want?" without going round in circles, Logan questioned -- lending his pair of ears.

"Last night, I know that it's not a natural cause that almost killed my grandfather. What I want is that will never… ever gonna happen again." Seraphina emotionlessly demanded.

What happened hours ago led her to a decision -- be as unremorseful as possible; setting aside her morals and respect to the Jin family. Though she initially wants to take the most peaceful route for her grandfather's safety alas, the occurrence last night pushed her to change her ways.

Indeed, she can't just rely on Liam's feelings for the protection she needed for her grandfather but Logan's influence too. Hence, if her importance towards Liam was rendered unregarded by his old man -- the word 'threat' wasn't invented for no reason.

"Huh, little Sera, asking a favor from someone requires respect."

"I know, that is why I'm ordering you." Seraphina nonchalantly shrugs as if the person she was talking to is the same as her age. Hearing her response, Logan scoff as he can't believe that his premonition about her was right.

Back then, months before her accident, Logan bumps into Seraphina when he went to visit Sebastian Yue. The moment he saw the looks of her eyes, it gave him a cold shrill as he was reminded of her father; Konrad who had the same menacing gaze like her.

No one might know it but to Logan, the very person he doesn't want to offend in his life is Konrad Yue. Given that Konrad had the same bright demeanor just like Seraphina, alas, Logan had a glimpse of the real man beneath that smiling shell. Hence, Konrad's death mildly surprised him but also confused him as he is not the type of person to die just like that.

Furthermore, the origins of their clan aren't as simple as it seems to be. Only Sebastian Yue courageously cuts his fate as he found his daily life tiring and lived as a simple businessman instead. Alas, karma must have chased Sebastian Yue as his son and now his granddaughter was turning into monsters.

"The forgotten Zhu clan… huh, Chairman Yue, or should I say Sir Raynold Zhu must be disappointed that the past came to hunt his offspring. I'm not surprised, it runs in the blood." with Logan's calm tone, he uttered his comments neither in mockery nor amus_e_m_e_nt.

"Eh? The Jin family benefited in the end. So, if we think about it thoroughly, your wealth is also ours." Seraphina raised her brows as she spoke in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Leave Liam alone." this time, Logan's voice turned authoritative as he was now open with the deal she was offering.

"Sure -- do your part and I won't drag him even further."

Logan contemplated the meaning behind her words and soon understood the words she blurted out. What she meant was she'll keep Liam as her hostage for Logan to do his part of the deal and if ever that Sebastian Yue was killed unnaturally, she'll drag Liam to the hell she was associated with.

As Logan sighed deeply as he was pushed to the corner, he slowly nods. However, Seraphina wasn't convinced thus, she added with a demonstration.

"Uncle, you see this teacup?" Seraphina held the mouth of the empty porcelain cup and raised it to her eye level. She peered at it with interest before she cast Logan a glance. She continues,

"Ironically, this teacup seems fragile but even if I drop it now -- it won't easily break. But, if I put it down like this -- tada! It broke." Seraphina slowly put down and placed the teacup on the surface of the tatami table and the next second, it cracked in half. Soon, drops of crimson red liquid taint the top of the table by the blood from her palm.

Grabbing a tissue on the side, Seraphina languidly wipes her wounded palm as her gaze went back to Logan's stunned expression.

"Do you know how it broke? Simple; I used a sufficient amount of force. Make this as an example of Liam and me. I will hold onto him -- whether I drop him and feel a little heartbroken or I'll slowly put him down to break him despite that it might hurt me as well, it's your choice, Logan." This time, Seraphina assured Logan of her intention with a threat. Although she doesn't want to string Liam to her affairs anymore alas, it seems that his their fate was already set in stone to be this complicated.

Hence, Seraphina must decide and execute it without any hesitation no matter how unwilling she was -- that is the burden she must carry.

'Liam… I know you will never forgive me but I will surely receive retribution for doing this to you.'

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