Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 256 - Life happened and struck me real hard

That very instant when her jet black eyes that emanate an implacable intention met his -- George Yue was immobilized -- unable to move as he heavily gulps a mouthful of saliva that seems very audible for him.

Her words and the look she had on her eyes that cannot be appeased -- George Yue was reminded of the very person who made him feel inferior up until now. The man he held a grudge even after his death -- it was none other than Konrad Yue.

However, now that he was facing Seraphina -- there is no doubt that she is his daughter. It was as if Konrad itself manifested and possessed Seraphina's body which gave George Yue a very bad premonition.

His heart pounds louder and louder with every passing second until George Yue can hear it -- screaming right in front of his ear. The beads of sweat that starting to form on his forehead felt more profuse and he could feel the temperature drop to a negative zero.

George Yue never expected that Seraphina will terrify him just as much as her father can do. How can he ignore and forget the true nature of this bloodline? Probably because Sebastian Yue has always been kind and lenient to him and Seraphina was always acting like a fool -- moreover, Konrad's death; George Yue gradually lowers his guard and was consumed by his schemes.

"Huh? why do you look so pale? I haven't done anything yet." knitting her brows and keeping up her innocent act, Seraphina tilts her head with a confused expression plastered across her face. She resumed,

"I was just asking you, Uncle -- I meant no harm."

The lower of George Yue's lips tremble as he grovels inwardly -- trying to find the words that seem to be stuck on his now dry throat. For the first time in a long time, George Yue finally felt fear, slowly creeping and crawling on his heart. His hand uncontrollably shakes -- no matter how he balled it into a fist, it just kept on shuddering.

"You hate me because it is me -- because of the blood that runs through my veins, the same genes of my father and Gramps, right?" Since George Yue was unable to respond, Seraphina helped him out to fill in the blanks. Laying out her injured palm, Seraphina emotionlessly picks the pieces of the broken wine glass that remains on her palm.

Seeing how she kept her unfazed front while cleaning her bleeding palm, George Yue's uneasiness heightened. By the looks of it, Seraphina wasn't a bit hurt even if her wounds look deep.

"why -- what happened to you?" Before George Yue can realize it, he surprisingly blurted out the first question that has been lingering inside his big head in an intense manner. Indeed, he was now baffled and frightened at the same time on what turned the always apathetic person into a seemingly psychopath monster.

"Life happened to me and struck me real...hard," Emotionlessly uttering her response, Seraphina then picks the last remains of the broken wine glass on her palm before she grabbed the white folded napkin and wipes it -- transferring all the blood on the small square cloth.

"The time I was so eager to please you... I hurt Gramps and left him to your care. But, what did he get in return? Betrayal. Ingrate, he didn't treat you any less of a son, but why?" She paused, pointing on her c_h_e_s_t, she resumed.

"The deepest scar that was here; regrets and self blame of my negligence letting you partake in his life -- is a much torturous pain than this." referring that the invisible dagger that was pierced on her heart for a long time, slowly killing her because of her previous life decisions -- Seraphina suddenly became sentimental. Indeed, the emotional pain she was concealing and buried to a deep pit on her heart is more painful than any physical injuries.

Recalling the face of her dying grandfather on her previous life -- the weak yet comforting smile before his head was blown up, Seraphina won't let that happen again. She only wanted her grandfather to die in peace because that's the least she can do for him.

Hearing more of her words, George Yue neither felt a bit remorseful nor guilt. Surely, after all the years being the adopted son of the Yue family, George Yue was worst than a dog. In his perspective, Sebastian Yue only adopted him for the sole reason that his son Konrad can have his own puppet.

Hence, no matter how good of a person Sebastian Yue was -- he will never take it in the hearts and will remain adamant to get back on Konrad who he loathes the most in his life. Whether taking all the Yue family or putting a contract on Seraphina's head -- he will do it just to get back on Konrad.

However, even if he despises Konrad and his daughter, George Yue can only hurt Sebastian Yue by usurping the whole Yue's wealth; nothing more nothing less.

"huh, Sera... the person I am now is because of your twisted father." Mustering his courage despite the pressing aura Seraphina emits, George Yue meekly scoffs, pushing all the blame to Konrad which is in fact true.

"No, what you are now is because you chose to be like that -- just as what I am. There's no one to blame than ourselves," she spoke as she reached for the table knife and c_a_r_e_s_s its blunt edges by her slender fingers. She then threw it in front of George's plate which resonates a loud crack sound -- splitting the round expensive plate in half.

George Yue's eyes dilate as he jolted from his seat in panic. For a second, he thought that she was aiming at his left hand that was balled on top of the table. and if she does, he was certain that by now, his hand is already pinned on the table.

"You --"

"Chill. I'm not in the mood to whack you. But know that your life's expectancy depends on the life of Gramps. If he dies -- you die... I'll rip your head apart with my b_a_r_e hands." Seraphina interrupts as she raised her sharp gaze towards the shocked George and spats her warning which she will do.

Indeed, Seraphina won't kill George yet as she knows that Sebastian Yue held him dear like his own son. Even though killing him this instant is an easy task, alas, she knew it isn't a good idea as she knew how much pain it will cause her stubborn grandfather if the news reach him. After all, Sebastian Yue still believes that the Yue family he established is as innocent and peaceful like before.

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