Two months had passed since the chaotic time in the Yue International Enterprise. Ever since then, the said company also took a blow as their stocks gradually declined.

Fortunately, with the backing of L-tech innovative financing company and the partnership between the Han Corporation, the Yue International Enterprise got back on its feet and soon will be labeled as an empire.

However, no matter how chaotic it has for the past two months, Seraphina ordered an information lockdown and only other influential people knew about what really happened and who are the people involved.

[6 pm; inside Seraphina's office]

A light knock awoke Seraphina from her deep contemplation. Without turning her head, she permitted the person to enter.

When the door was opened, Henry Man's figure came into sight. His aura and demeanor adapted to have a more respectable man. Scrutinizing him as he bowed his head towards her, Seraphina must admit that Henry Man became much reliable than ever. Probably after these months with her, he realized her indirect hints of who's the person he was following.

"Chairwoman, you asked for me?"

"Yeah," Seraphina gestured him to take a seat at anywhere in the set of sofa's at the center of the office before she stood from her executive chair and made her way to the head seat. After settling down, as if on cue, Seraphina's assistant who is, in fact, Rex entered the room and served tea.

After his job was finished, Rex wordlessly left after bowing his head towards Seraphina and Henry Man. When only the two of them was left alone again, Seraphina lightly sighs.

"I'm retiring." She announced indifferently as she perched her elbow on the armrest and propped the back of her hand on her jaw. Her legs crossed and slightly swung her one foot, to and fro. Her sight depicted how bored she was.

Hearing her announcement, Henry Man froze in an instant. "R -- retiring? Madam Chairwoman -- " he stuttered as he was almost rendered speechless by her words just now.

He added, "chairwoman, isn't too early for you to retire?"

"Early?" She arched her brows and turned her attention back to Henry Man. Observing him, Seraphina doesn't need to guess all the myriad questions floating in his mind causing him to have a lump on his throat.

"I don't think anything will change if I retire or not… after all, you occupied most of the job and executed it with succession. Which of course, made me satisfied placing you to your position." Seraphina calmly uttered. Indeed, the very reason why she observed his loyalty before was that Seraphina didn't intend to stay long enough in the business world. All she wanted was to keep the hard work of what her grandfather started to land to the hands of the people she could trust.

Moreover, she doesn't want it to be tainted with other illegal activities anymore and would want the Yue International Empire to have a clean record which she can't provide with her leadership.

"I --"

"*sigh* CEO Man, you should have known a little more about me by now… I won't put you into this position if I planned to take over." She uttered in a matter of factly tone. Since everything is gradually settling down with George Yue and other directors having an ongoing trial and other conspirators were all caught, hence, Seraphina doesn't have any reason anymore to stay there. Furthermore, she made a lot of connections and supporters which will ensure the progress of the company.

"Chairwoman, what about the other directors?" After absorbing all the information, Henry Man stuttered as he inquired about Seraphina's plans. Also, stepping down now doesn't seem to be a good idea as the company was just recovering from all the loses from the past month.

"Hmmm… Nope. I'm announcing it officially to you alone -- why would you think I summoned you instead of calling a meeting?"

Perceiving her answer, it means that Seraphina secretly assigning him to do all the work needed for the company; giving him full authority under her name. Now, Henry Man was completely tongue-tied about another huge responsibility put on his shoulder.


Leon had arrived in Country X a few days ago, however, even though Seraphina was only a few hours drive from where he was dilly-dallying, he was tasked to checked another hidden property of Seraphina which they could use as an emergency hideout.

Since he already knew the preparation he could to make the seemingly useless house of his boss, Leon decided to call it a night and probably find something interesting around the small town not far away from the location of the hideout.

Surprisingly, the town was as lively as the city as one part of it had some kind of a pub where the people relaxes and waste their night away. Walking his way to find something interesting, Leon caught an interesting scene which made him halt his steps and turned his attention to the nearest dark alley.

Since it was nighttime and the post on the side of the alley was somewhat broken, his lack of presence stealth even more.

"Hehe, little kitties, come on… let's have some fun." A deep, maniac voice instantly reached Leon's ears. Scrutinizing the situation, there were three rogue men cornering two young girls. It was easy to guess that they were harassing those innocent girls who only came out to have fun.

The man steps forward while the other two hoodlums were chuckling with a malicious intent plastered across their face. As the man takes a step, the two girls who're wearing cute dress steps back. Soon, only the cold, concrete dead-end brushed against the girl's back and their fear rose to a new degree.

"Sister Bao Zi... " the other girl tighten her trembling grip on the girl named Bao Zi and was on the verge of crying.

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