Checking the fuel gauge that was almost used up, Rex decided to return to the Yue family mansion. Based on his concise calculation, the fuel they had left would be sufficient to reach the Yue family manor.

Alas, just as Rex turn the wheel for a u-turn, Seraphina emotionlessly ordered; "my private quarters." Hearing her d_e_s_i_r_ed destination, Rex glanced at her through the rear mirror before drifting and sped to that specified destination.

Fortunately, Seraphina had given him tasked which he needed weapons for the past month. Hence, with the help of Wren, they prepared a small headquarters to where they can leave their dangerous toys and also, a perfect hideout. Soon, they reached a rural town that was surrounded by woods. It was a quiet place as neighbors lived meters away from each other which is a good location for them.

Stopping in the middle of the forest where the car couldn't pass through due to the narrow and muddy ground, Rex turned his head this time towards the back passenger seat where Seraphina perched.

"Boss, we're here," he informed but to no avail, Seraphina didn't respond as her eyes fixed on the dim surrounding outside. It took her minutes before she moved and exited the car without a word. Rex, on the other hand, could only suck up with the unsettling silence Seraphina gave off.

When Seraphina exited her ride, another car has arrived; it was Riggs and Ace. However, Seraphina couldn't care less and didn't even turn her head to her men's direction as she moves forward -- going to a place that won't remind her of her loved ones. A place where there wasn't a memory to be reminded off.

She couldn't bring herself going back to the Yue family mansion that would witness her despair for the second time; it will break her… for sure.




It slowly filled her heart that any moment, it could burst her already shattered heart.

'It hurts… gramps. I think I'm going crazy…' sentiments like that kept on ringing inside her head over and over again. Seraphina was afraid that once she spoke too much, she'll just snap. After all, she has nothing to lose anymore.

Seraphina heedlessly strode forward without knowing that a huge branch was on the way causing her to collide into it. Since Seraphina doesn't have sufficient energy as she barely ate and slept, she lost her footing; causing her to crashed on the soft and sticky earth that instant.

Just then, a loud clap of thunder was heard from above and droplets of water started falling on the starless night sky. It didn't take long when it began pouring heavily yet, Seraphina didn't move a muscle from her position.

She hoped that she could feel the impact of the abrupt collision and her landing on the ground. In that case, it might divert even the slightest of the emotional pain she was in, alas, she didn't. 

Abruptly letting her upper body to crash on the muddy ground, Seraphina was unbothered of the dirt sticking on her back and hair that soon seeped through her clothes and touched her skin. Thanks to the rain, it concealed the tears that uncontrollably falling on her eyes. Thanks to her grandfather, Seraphina gained her tears back albeit, she doesn't want them.

It was only a few days since the death of Sebastian Yue but to her, it felt years. She longed and regret that she must've spent more time with him knowing that he was not in a great condition. Thinking that her grandfather felt lonely just having himself whenever she fails to visit him or stay a little longer, she couldn't help but feel sorry.

Seraphina grieves silently under the heavy pouring rain while the other three kept their silence from the distance. For some reason, a lump was stuck on Riggs' throat sympathizing Seraphina. He understood very well the feeling of losing someone, especially if that person is the only family you had.

It was devastating.

In his mind, Riggs guessed that Seraphina was possibly thinking what's the reason for trying so hard any longer. Since losing the very person she wanted to protect and was willing to lay her life on the line to give the best for her grandfather -- in the end, after everything was said and done, what's her reason now to keep moving forward?

If Riggs was to ask, he doesn't have a slight clue. He also questioned himself before why would he need to live? Fortunately, there's a fat bastard that gave him one lame reason for living; by lending him a hefty amount of money with a huge interest. But now, Riggs' heart clenched as he doesn't know how to return the favor Seraphina gave him.

'How pathetic…' Riggs mumbled inwardly. He felt pathetic not knowing how to console the person who gave him the reason to continue living. If only he could take the pain she has right now, he was willing to; but, that doesn't happen in real life.

Clenching his hands into a fist, Riggs mustered his courage and began taking slow strides towards Seraphina. Stopping feet away from her lying figure with her other arm was covering her eyes, it was evident that Seraphina was soundlessly crying as her shoulder was trembling.

Both of them were drenched under the heavy rain and the reserved umbrellas they left on the car would do nothing as they were already meters away from their rides. Hence, there's no way he could shade her whole body from the harsh raindrops and he doesn't intend to anyway.

Riggs resumed on his tracks and squat down close to her head. Granting that he could not shelter her with an umbrella, Riggs looked down palm length away from her. His head covering hers which lessened the harsh raindrops from assaulting her face. His gaze softened and a glint of bitterness flashed across his eyes.

"Your animal spirit is a hippo, isn't?"

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