Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 307 - Assisting her to take a bath

Ace shook his head by the shameless remarks of Riggs and retracted his disgusted gaze away from him. Leaning back on the soft, comfortable sofa, Ace relaxed a little. Though he had his suspicion, he couldn't show even the slightest wariness as his confidants were as keen as him. Therefore, he must act like his usual self -- curious about things that were happening around him.

Soon, Rex appeared and to Ace' surprise, Rex was wearing a casual gray shirt and loose pants. To Ace perspective, Rex wouldn't be this comfortable if he's not in their main headquarters. Moreover, he found some smart casual that Rex will surely choose but he didn't.

Glancing at the topless Riggs who covered his buff c_h_e_s_t as if he was about to be molested, Ace clicked his tongue in annoyance. He just realized why Riggs chose to not wear any shirt because he doesn't want to wear the same looking shirt like the one that Rex wore.

"Hey boong [1] , where's her highness?" Riggs inquired along with an insult toward Rex who was used to Riggs foulmouthed and chose to ignore him calling names. Rex leisurely sat beside Ace and sighed heavily. Since Rex rarely showed his emotions, both of them unconsciously anticipated what was wrong with Seraphina.

"We'll wait."

Riggs: "Eh? Wait for what?"

"For her to cope with it." As simple as it may be, Rex briefly uttered which bewildered Ace to the core. He added; "it's the best choice we have."

Riggs, on the other hand, scoffed in understanding. Surely, the following days or months would be quite peaceful or problematic -- no one knows, they could only anticipate what's coming next. Moreover, he understood exactly the meaning behind Rex as he knew Seraphina's personality.

Ace darted his eyes to Rex and Riggs. 'Why the hell I am left in the dark again?' Yet, he didn't say another word. He knew that they won't give him a clear explanation hence, why would he even bother? 

For now, since his suspicions towards them weren't absolved, he must wait for the right time to meet up with his other subordinates especially Leon whom Ace was certain that aside from him, Leon's loyalty towards their boss is as strong or probably had a much stronger sense than him, before taking action.

Rex turned his eyes on the flame on the fireplace that was sending heat to the whole house. A glint of worry flashed across his eyes being reminded of his brief conversation with Seraphina earlier.

[several minutes ago] 

After Rex freshened up, he headed straight to Seraphina's room. He lightly knocked on her door but to no avail, no one was answering from inside. His brows creased and tried to turn the doorknob and to his surprise, it wasn't locked.

Slowly opening the door and intrude inside but Seraphina wasn't around. He heard the sound of the shower inside the bathroom which indicates that she was there but still, Rex felt rather unsettled. It's nearly an hour since they arrived in this place; does that mean Seraphina was inside the shower all along?

Despite Rex wanting to check on her, he was afraid that he might disturb her privacy hence, he decided to leave and come later to check on her. However, a faint thud sound that if no one didn't take notice, it will be rendered shun.

That very instant, Rex rushed to see what happened and heedlessly intrude inside the shower. Fortunately, Seraphina didn't lock the door which gave him an easy access. Seeing the occurrence inside, Seraphina's was slumped on the tiled floor as if she slipped. She was still wearing her clothes earlier hence, it gave Rex a slight relief.

Though with her position, Seraphina doesn't seem she had any intention to get on her feet as she stared at the cream white ceiling emotionlessly.

"Boss --" Rex called out but was abruptly interrupted by Seraphina's hoarse voice.

"It should hurt right?" She lifelessly inquired. She repeated, "My body should hurt… right? It should make me unable to move for a while?"

Creasing his brows in confusion, Rex still responded with a 'yes' to her simple yet confusing words.

"Then, I can't get up. My back hurts."

Every response Seraphina uttered, Rex got more confound. To rationalized her words to better reasoning, he concluded that Seraphina meant that she was more hurt emotionally than her minor accident just now. Nodding his head in agreement, Rex resumed his track towards Seraphina and wordlessly assisted her.

Thankfully, Seraphina didn't retaliate and let him assist her to seat on the closed toilet seat. Crouching down to his knees, Rex lightly shook his head in disbelief. Right now, what he sees in her was not the usual dominating Luciano or the cunning Seraphina. He was seeing a frail woman that couldn't cope with her loss.

Oddly enough, part of Rex felt honored seeing Seraphina letting her guard down despite having him around. Yet, he was also concerned about her well-being. Scrutinizing Seraphina's downcast and pale facial feature, his hands slowly rose and gently patted her head.

"You'll catch a cold if you don't get change." Rex worriedly reminded but it was futile as Seraphina didn't respond.

Sighing heavily, Rex as a trusted and a big brother material as he could be, he stood from his position and prepared Seraphina's warm bath. When the tub was filled, he got back on Seraphina's direction. 

"If you didn't move now, I'll have to assist you to take your bath." Though it sounded impudent of him to utter such words to a lady, he could not care less because if this continues, he's afraid that Seraphina might inflict a fever which will be a problem for sure.

However, Seraphina wasn't answering thus, it left him with no choice but to do what he has to do. He cautiously took off her drenched black blazer jacket without a word and still, Seraphina was akin to a stationary doll.

"Don't trouble yourself anymore…"

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