"Did Rex knew as well?! How about Wren?!" Ace hadn't had enough as he could not believe the ridiculous revelation about their boss return. Hence, he could not help but feel unfair. How can they know and not tell him if they lived under the same roof all these months?

Raising his head on Leon who was staring at Serpahina's room window with an indiscernible expression, Ace shouted, "Leon, when did the boss came back?" Alas, Leon didn't respond this time as if he was uninterested to utter another word. Seeing the usual 'I reached my word count for the day' expression across Leon's face, Ace clenched his jaw feeling irked.

How could Luciano do this to him? Always leaving him in the dark and always the last one to get the news. However, now that he thinks about it, there must be a possibility why they didn't inform him; they all betrayed the boss including Leon!

"Don't get ahead of yourself -- jeez, such wild imagination." Riggs who was well-versed of how Ace's mind works, he guessed that he was concluding unnecessary thoughts that might disappoint him in the end. If only he could say it out loud for his peace of mind, he would. Alas, if Seraphina was reluctant to tell him her real identity as the fattie, Luciano, hence, no one including Leon would dare spoil the fun.

"If you don't want me concluding -- stop keeping me in the dark!" 

Just then, Leon jumped from where the tree branch like a feather that didn't make a sound and dust off a few leaves on his shoulder. "I better go fetch the lady."

Hearing Leon's languid statement, Riggs one eye open and his sight instantly landed on Leon's figure, "What do you mean?

"What do you mean?" At the same time, Ace inquired in urgency. He added, "Venus?" After all, Venus is the only woman on their team. However, in Ace mind, why would they be gathered in country X? All this question that was left unanswered were enough to give Ace's suspicious heart anxiety. All these uncertainties, god knows how much he wanted to rip his scalp off knowing nothing while his comrades seemed to know something.

"Ah, Venus… Nah, she's quite busy at the moment." Leon pondered for a while and only answered the second question thrown by Ace. Riggs, on the other hand, seemed to get the meaning behind Leon's words which made him jolt from his repose position and peered sternly at Leon.

"What do you mean fetch who?"

"My my, you seemed you don't know that you lot was only guarding this house." Leon shook his head in disbelief and uttered the obvious. Though he just arrived in this place earlier, he already had a glimpse of Seraphina's room that was empty. The reason why he didn't make a move that instant is he saw a good spot to nap.

"Guarding the house…" Riggs repeated as he processed Leon's news. "Wait a sec." Riggs resumed as he rushed inside the house like a bolt of lighting. He didn't hesitate to head towards Seraphina's room which was already opened.

Peeking on the inside, Rex was stood rooted on the ground with a food tray on his hand for Seraphina but the room was empty. Though it was tidy, few places had thick specks of dust were spotted on the furniture as if no one stayed there for quite some time.

"Impossible…" Riggs murmured in disbelief. How come Seraphina wasn't inside if every day, she would accept at least one meal that Rex give him? This unhealthy habit of hers that worried him to the max, when did she start going out?

"Where's Leon?" Rex inquired after snapping from his shock as well. Surely, he didn't saw this coming. Even him, all along he knew that Seraphina was inside as she received her breakfast earlier that he left outside her room and when he came to fetch the food trays, he felt relieved that Seraphina consumed half of the food.

However, bringing the next meal, a sudden premonition kept tugging his instincts yet, though he had this hunch a month ago, he always shrugged it all off. Alas, for some unknown reason when Rex brought the food for her, his hand involuntary moved and attempted to open Seraphina's room after he knocked and as usual got no response. 

To Rex surprise, the door was unlocked. He shouldn't have entered as he was rather afraid that it would displease Seraphina but before he knew it, his growing hunch or rather, the suppress suspicion on his instinct finally breakthrough from it bottleneck dilemma made his body moves forward.

In the end, what welcomed him was an empty, tidy yet dusty room; no Seraphina in sight. By the next second, Riggs's c_o_c_ky voice rang behind him which snapped him from his bewilderment. And how he knew about Leon? Rex knew that Leon would bother to show up if Seraphina started to have activities.

"Told ya," From behind, Leon leaned on the jamb of the open door with a matter of factly tone. Behind him was Ace who had a vile expression across his face as he examined the whole unoccupied room.

"Where is she?" Ace incredulity uttered which made the three of them turned their heads towards Leon's diabolical smirk as if he was amused about something.


[Yue family mansion]

A woman wearing a blinding red tube dress that was tightly wrapped around her body showing her perfect curves with no added fats could be trace was waiting at the mansion's doorsteps. The side of her short straight hair was tucked behind her ear showing an elegant earrings. Indeed, she was drop-dead gorgeous that was oozing with s_e_x appeal with her red lipstick that matched well with her flawless ivory complexion.

The moment the grand door of the mansion opened, she smiled brightly and coquettishly greeted, "Hello there, smell fungus."

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