Indeed, it only made sense for his confidant to gather and abide Seraphina's orders if she was Luciano. Furthermore, if the disguise is what they were talking about, it would be a piece of cake to her who had a vast connection in the underworld.

Alas, Ace was offended. To his perspective, if Seraphina chose to keep him in the dark all this time, does that mean she doesn't trust him?

"This… why didn't you said anything to me? You're really… the boss?" Ace staggered in a low growl. His fist trembled from disappointment and dark auras spread across the four corners of the entire control room. 

Seraphina scrutinized Ace's figure with an indiscernible glint. No one inside that room the real reason why she didn't inform Ace first hand. After all, Ace was too loyal to her and it would be easier to prove her existence to him, unlike to Jack. Hence, for that very reason, everyone attentively anticipates her response.

"Because you died… in my dreams." 

Everyone who heard her respond nearly dropped their jaws. That's her reason? Ace died in her dreams? Then does that mean if she dreamt that one of them betrayed her… does that mean she'll kill that person?

A long stifling silence enveloped the whole room as they process Seraphina's absurd reasoning. After some time, a loud majestic and enticing chuckles cracked the suffocating atmosphere.

"Ahh, my dear wife, does that mean you wanted to kill me because you dreamt I had done unforgivable deeds to you?" Dragon humored alas, Seraphina response made his laughter ceased.


Once again, the whole room went into a complete silence as they thoroughly scrutinized if she was kidding. Alas, by the looks of it, Seraphina was drop-dead serious. 

Seeing that everyone was rendered speechless with her other confidant, especially Riggs who has a stupid expression plastered across his whole face, Seraphina straightened her back before she solemnly uttered,

"Uno, in those dreams or rather… memories, you died protecting me, just to prove to Luciano which is also me that you could do something in the brighter side of the world. Alas, I think those memories weren't as reliable as I thought they were."

"What? Dreams are dreams, they weren't supposed to be reliable, boss." Riggs could not help but speak his mind with Seraphina's nonsense theories. Indeed, he could not believe that Seraphina relied on her dream or rather, the 'memories' she spoke off. 

'What is she? A fortune-teller?' 

"I guess my countless attempt to hypnotize boss finally worked, eh?" Jack rubbed his chin as he tried to rationalize Seraphina's statement. 

"Huh, you must be dreaming as well, Jack." Venus scoffed in disdain as she cast Jack a ridiculing glare. Though she was also baffled with Seraphina's statement, alas, love is blind and she believed her without a second doubt -- no matter how absurd it was.

"No, dreams couldn't be mistaken as memories. There's a huge difference between the two…" Alexander Han mumbled as his brows knitted together. It confused him as well why Seraphina tangled the two and even believe it. 

On the corner of the room, Dragon who's languidly leaning against the wall had ripples of emotion that could turn into enormous waves any minute. He had a slight idea what Seraphina was implying but he just cannot believe it.

Fixing his deep and sharp gaze on the woman calmly peering at Ace, an unreadable glint flashed across his eyes. No one knew what Dragon was thinking but one thing is for sure, he won't let this night pass without clarifying things with her.

"Whether they were real or not, you already proved your indulgence in protecting me as a bodyguard -- remember Isla De Paz?" Seraphina slowly blinked her eyes as she insinuates Ace's enthusiasm trying to find her and even managed to rope Riggs to do the supposed rescue mission.

Her reminder, of course, rang a bell to Ace's, thus, he shifted his muddled gaze to Riggs. Does that mean from that time, Riggs already knew about it? That would make sense since, after that Island trip, Riggs acted more responsible in his job unlike his early days of being her bodyguard.

Ace held his head in incredulity. It was as if every nerve of his brain was malfunctioning and gave him a warning sign of a mental breakdown. He could not even utter a single word due to a lump that was stuck in his throat.

"Well, I guess that settled down everything. Now, let's get down to business." Seraphina waved her hands off as she spun her chair to meet the confused gazes from her other confidant. Surely, they were still trying to rationalize her statements earlier. Hence, she added,

"Victor Wang, Tuna, Wesley We… those who played as my guinea pig to confirm what's in here," Seraphina paused and pointed her temple indicating the information inside her head. Everyone was silently absorbing her words attentively.

"Those indeed confirmed some of those memories and that place as well." Seraphina thrust her chin forward directing on the thick folder and a large scrolled doc_u_ment that seemed to be a blueprint at the center of the table.

"Regal Casino…" Riggs mumbled seeing the title of the blueprints. Of course, he remembered this place as Seraphina took him there a couple of months ago and won a million RMB that were stolen that very same night.

Jack grinned and his eyes lit up reading the word 'casino'. He could not help but feel excited about it. He giddily inquired,


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