Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 345 - I haven't confessed my feelings yet

Riggs reposed as he crossed his arms and closed his eyes on the front passenger seat.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Venus sassed in dismay while she drove towards a certain place. It was evident to her the annoyance on her face as Riggs shamelessly hitched a ride with her. What's more even shameless was he asked her to drive him near the place he was assigned to work at.

However, even though Venus went almost crazy insulting Riggs, he didn't retort back. He silently received all her mockery which Venus wasn't used to. Hence, since he was like that, in the end, she still agreed to drive him to where he needs to be.

Soon, an awkward silence dawned inside the car as neither of them talked. Though it wasn't obvious on her profile, Venus was curious about Riggs's suspicious silence. But then again, she didn't ask as she clearly knew that Riggs won't give her the answer what's on his mind.

After some time, Riggs finally broke the stillness inside the car, "will she be alright… with him?" referring Seraphina with Dragon on that place. 

Indeed, he was worried that Seraphina and Dragon would fight to death knowing his boss temperament, moreover, Dragon who was known for his terrifying reputation. After all, their fight earlier wasn't a joke and Seraphina indeed had a killing intent towards that man.

He knew and everyone else who witnessed that her fight. There's no doubt about it. But now, the person Seraphina was trying to cripple earlier was now with her -- unchained and free to do what he wanted. It's not that Riggs doesn't trust Seraphina's capabilities but rather, he trusted her too much that might led her to a more dangerous situation -- just like Riece, his late sister.

"Beats me, If only I don't need to sabotage my beloved's plan, I won't let that douchebag with her," Venus responded in dissatisfaction. Surely, despite her crazy personality, Venus won't let any of Seraphina's plan to be obstructed. Hence, even though she was reluctant, she needed to go to her target.

"Ha, I'm surprised you bent. I was anticipating your reaction when you know that the person we followed for years was actually a she." Riggs lightly scoffed as he honestly stated his bafflement regarding Venus adjustment. 

For a moment, Venus went silent hearing him. She didn't flaunt her divaness as a bitter smile form on the side of her lips. "If I didn't… then, what will happen? Whether she was in Luciano's disguise or Seraphina, the fact that she was the person who saved me from that damned man was her, right?" She paused recalling how she first met Seraphina in the chubby disguise of a man.

Regardless of how fat Seraphina in that disguise, her aura, demeanor, that cold front on her face, and her unintentional touching words at that time… that is the person Venus liked. That moment, despite the dreadful situation she was in, her heart throbbed faster for the first time and made her whole face flushed.

"You are… crazy." 

"Ha! Yeah, got a problem with that? I haven't forgotten that CPR you performed back then, after all this, I will tear that lips apart and that Dragon as well." Venus spat in revulsion. The news when Seraphina almost drowned and Riggs doing CPR reached her. Whether it was for Seraphina, the fact that Riggs touched her lips made her blood boils; yet, with that same reason, she could not let her feelings get the better of her.

Upon hearing what she said, Riggs closed eyes abruptly opened! 'CPR?' He never thought of it before but indeed, he did that to assist Seraphina's airflow. Alas, now that Venus mentioned it, he was shocked silly.

Venus quickly side glances at Riggs and to her dismay, he had a disturbing countenance which made her whole face distort. "What --" When she was about to agitatedly reprimand Riggs with his stupid thoughts; whatever that it, her lips were covered by Riggs' large palm.

"Stop! Shut your trap! Ah!!" Riggs aggressively shouted with a ghastly expression on his face. Alas, Venus bit his hand which made him retract his hand from that human animal.

"You shut up! You really dared touched me with that disgusting hands of yours?! I'll kill you m*therfcker!" Venus bellowed as a hazardous aura emanated within her and glared dagger to Riggs on the side.

"Ey, Ey -- What the! Watch out--! F*ck!" Riggs shouted and his voice gradually contained panic having a glimpse of Venus's diabolical countenance. It's not that he was afraid of her speed but Venus's unpredictable mentality. Who knows what she'll do if she snapped and did go mental. She might end up killing both of them!

"I ask all the saints why the hell did you let laziness manifest in me?" Riggs mumbled as his heart raced along with the speeding car he was in. He wasn't supposed to ride with her, it just so happened that Riggs doesn't have the energy to drive after seeing Dragon's capabilities to keep up with Seraphina.

Alas, it was too late as Venus grinned which sent huge waves of hair-raising emotions inside his heart. 

'I haven't confessed my feelings yet -- f*ck!' Riggs regretted and only wished for him to see the light tomorrow -- that is if, they would survive. The scalp tearing Riggs was in tortured him for the whole night as Venus didn't head straight to his destination -- delaying Riggs a day and her on their supposed task.

Regardless, unbeknownst to them, the thought of Seraphina with Dragon vanished and diverted on their current death-defying situation.

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