Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 354 - The irony of Tito

Rex stretched his arms and slightly winced in pain. Though it's been a week since he received treatment, his wounds are surely deep as he could feel his injured muscle ached when he tried to move.

"Damn, Cap did get you good as well, eh?" Jack opened the window from the outside and place his hot coffee on the window sill. He clipped the cigarette in between his lips and lit up. Taking a long drag and puffed it in the air, Jack reached for his cup of coffee and took a sip.

"Nothing beats a morning with a cup of coffee and a cigarette." He uttered as he indulged at the peaceful morning. Alas, it also meant another boring day to watched these wounded subordinates of his -- nothing more nothing less.

Thinking about the busy schedule of his other confidants, Jack was seething with jealousy. He wanted to do something as well, however, his task doesn't need any preparation as he only needed his face to be seen on that event.

"Still, boring…" Jack added as he took another long drag and repeat the cycle. Seeing Tito's noticeable huge built going somewhere, Jack frowned. He doesn't need to ask the semi giant man where he was going as he was bringing a watering can with him -- Tito would certainly do his ritual of watering his precious treasures called flowers.

"Such irony to have a huge physique while having a cute hobby." Jack mumbled once again. In his mind, he was quite envious of the simple happiness Tito has. After all, Tito only needed to have tons of flowers around him and it would kill his boredom; but not Jack. 

He wanted more; more action and money. He was greedy, yes -- perhaps crazy as well. However, what can he do? He was used to that kind of environment. Though he could consider that it lessened when he joined Seraphina -- it still didn't restrain him from doing fun stuff back in country y. But he was in country x and the government has a much tighter and principled law body, hence, he could not be reckless especially now that Seraphina was about to conduct another crime.

"I'm more bored than you are, Jack." Suddenly, Leon's hoarse voice reached Jack's ear from inside the infirmary. Jack scoffed hearing Leon's first statement for the first time in seven days. He had been unconscious and would let out a low growled in pain in the past week. Yet, the moment he got his consciousness, he already knows what's happening with his surroundings.

'What a terrifying man.' Jack complimented inwardly as he took another sipped of his black coffee. Aside from Seraphina, Jack admired Leon's unparalleled insight and his love for violence. Though he too was kept in the dark on the reason behind this too capable criminal to submit and would willingly follow Seraphina's orders, well, that's how awesome their boss was. Even so, a person like Leon to submit, Jack was more inclined to know the truth behind it.

It wasn't romance or any other b*llshit -- that's what's clear to him as he never see any romantic feelings or similar to that in Leon's eyes. It's more like something that he could not pinpoint exactly.

"Good morning to you too, Cap." Jack greeted back as he leaned his elbows on the window sill outside.

"Rex, you good?" Leon questioned as he turned his head beside him where Rex kept his silence as usual while leaning on his bed headboard.

"Better than you." Rex glanced at Leon's lying figure with a bandage wrapped around his head. Since Rex received 'less' dire injuries because Leon slightly held back while he can seven days ago, Rex unintentionally inflicted a paramount blow on Leon. Hence, he knew very well that Leon won't be able to move around for quite some time.

"I still feel dizzy, did you get the man?" Leon questioned as he remembered the man named Loki who he almost killed in his killing spree several days ago. He attempted to stand alas, with the wounds he got, he couldn't which made him a little dizzy. For some reason, Leon actually liked the human feeling he rarely felt. Therefore, instead of feeling aggravate, he was grateful for his own reason.

"Fortunately, yes. There's someone I could 'talk' to." Jack responded. Since the place was rather small, adding that the window was opened, Jack could hear them loud and clear. Indeed, for him to survive with his boring job, he would drop by to their hostage every once and a while to chat with him while hypnotizing him at the same time.

"That's good to hear." Leon nodded and closed his eyes to rest again. Leon knew his body limits even though he never reached it. Alas, now, he knew very well that he wasn't prepared to do anything and must recover as soon as possible despite liking his pathetic situation.

"X, what happened while were out? Send me the details so I can catch up with boss plan while resting." Suddenly, Rex spoke knowing that X would hear him.

"Roger that." After a second, as expected, X voice rang around the infirmary room like a god talking. He added, "I'll send it -- lemme nap first." X yawned as he hadn't slept for two days straight programming his new version of the security system. He had been pulling an all-nighter since the old Luciano successfully infiltrated his impenetrable system.

"Right, speaking of -- there's an interesting call happened while you both are bleeding to death. Ahh, where shall I start?" Recalling Luciano's warning seven days ago, Jack felt giddy to fill these two monstrous men on the person who just dared to threatened Seraphina. Just thinking about their reaction, just like the reaction they had when Tito translated the message behind the old Luciano's seemingly whimsical call… it's surely a sight to behold and a good fuel for them to recover faster than expected.

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