Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 377 - Aren't you too close?

Seraphina heard the whole conversation that Venus and Alexander Han had. The corner of her lips curled upward as she sympathized with Alex for being Venus' outlet. Well, what can she say? The girl must be itching to torment someone given with the time she had spent being David Ong's mistress.

Sensing that her private space was already being invaded by someone, she opened her one eye to see Dragon's shadow overlapping hers.

"Aren't you too close?" She asked as Dragon trying to spy on them but would rather lean his ear with Seraphina's ear than using another spare earplug.

"Close? No, there's still this centimeter space between us." Dragon didn't retract his head and continued to lean closer to her.

"There's another piece there, go use it." Seraphina annoyingly glared at him as she distant her head away from him. Alas, to her surprise, Dragon squinted his eyes as he pondered about something.


"What?" Seraphina raised her brows in suspicion. She highly doubts that Dragon was referring to Alexander Han and Venus's current betting. 

"He's there? I mean that son of a gun Liam Jin." Dragon's lips curled into an amused smile. The reason why he doesn't want to use the spare earplugs is that Alexander Han's voice was too loud that it covered all the side noises on its surrounding. 

That very instant, Seraphina focused her hearing to the voices on the earphones but to no avail, she couldn't hear Liam's voice. Seraphina grinds her teeth as she had a miscalculation.

How could she forget? It was a charity event and it would be suspicious if David Ong would only invite tainted businessmen. He had to mix them with clean families as well so if worse comes to worst, he could just deny everything since everyone was mixed with bad and 'good' people.

"Are you sure it was him?"

"Ah? Baby, are you doubting me?" Dragon who was utterly offended by Seraphina's question asked in disbelief. Surely, by the way, he delivered her disp_l_e_a_s_u_r_e was akin to a wife being offended by her hubby regarding the messy house.

"He's gone -- this is bad." Seraphina massaged her temple in distress. Surely, Liam Jin being there was an unforeseen scenario. The only good thing about it is, Liam Jin was there inside a room full of bad and dangerous people. Which also means he was probably a candidate that David Ong handpicked.

Dragon sat on the other executive chair and wheeled himself in front of Seraphina. If he could connect the chairs and snuggle with her, he would. Alas, there was still space for their knees and feet that gave them a 'vast' space between them.

"Tell me why is it bad and I'll tell you why it is good." He suggested with a knowing grin on his red thin lips.

"It's bad because Riggs is there -- he knew Riggs and I'm sure he'll follow him to the ends of the earth until he'll lead him to me." After a frustrated sigh, Seraphina spoke in dismay. It's not that she had a problem with Riggs leading Liam Jin to her, but the fact that the Jin family were well connected they will surely uncover Riggs' history.

After all, no matter how X changed Riggs' identity, he would always use his name as 'Riggs' for some reason. More importantly, Riggs was the most high profile among them that's why he gained the nickname, DareDevil Riggs.

"We'll see more of that guy and the depths of his capabilities. In that case, could prepare for what's coming in our way, yes?"

Hearing him put it that way, Seraphina had too look at the other angles. She instantly worried about Riggs that she overlooked other things for a second. Fortunately, Dragon was there taking Rex and Leon's stead.

"One more advice my love. You should stop being a mom and trust your men with their skills -- you handpicked them after all." Leaning his back against the soft chair, Dragon coquettishly winked at her.

"Stop being a housewife." Seraphina rolled her eyes out of habit to repel Dragon's obvious boasting.

Alas, inside her mind, she must really stop being a 'mom'. For some reason, the moment she diverted the reason of her existence from revenge to protection to her remaining family', Seraphina's emotions always get the better of her.

Glancing at the languid figure of the man in front of her, Seraphina must admit that he owed Dragon too much. Despite being forgiven, she could feel her sincerity to share her burden and get everyone's approval even though they won't complain if she ever decided to be with Dragon.

Moreover, his expertise on how to cook schemes was top-notch. Just imagining that she pursued being Dragon's nemesis, it would be a losing victory as she would still receive a heavy blow and might lose more than she could.

"Wife, no, master, this servant needed a reward to keep my diligence." 

"Come closer." Seeing his dejected expression, Seraphina gestured him to lean forward which brightened up the sulky mood he had. 

Assuming that he was going to receive his reward, Dragon excitedly leaned forward as he closed his eyes and plucked his lips. Somehow, Seraphina smiled into a mischievous one as she welcomed Dragon. Alas, even before his lips could touch hers, Seraphina bit his nose!

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