Hours later...

Bearing his poker face, Matthew Xi traveled his gaze to the three bottles of wine while Zoey placed two wine glasses on the small table in the living area. After their little moment earlier, Zoey and Matthew Xi didn't talk about it as they resumed doing their duties. 

But now, just minutes after they arrived in her not so humble home, Matthew Xi witnessed how Zoey's energy reached its peak as she excitedly asked them to welcome the weekend. Yet, Matthew Xi found it suspicious as he heard from his 'colleagues' that Zoey works seven days a week. 

"Here!" Pouring some wine in one glass, Zoey then picked it up as she offered it to him with a grin. 

"We haven't had dinner yet." Matthew Xi glanced at the wine glass and then to Zoey, lacking in expressions as usual. 

"Meh. This is our dinner!" Rolling her eyes, Zoey shook her head as she informed in a matter-of-fact tone. 

"No," Remaining adamant on his stand, Matthew Xi locked his gaze on her nonchalant visage. 

Now, Zoey was slowly tugging his curiosity more. But since he said he won't ask, Matthew Xi restrained himself from doing so. 

"Darling, that's not the right answer." Zoey clicked her tongue as she strode forward. Reaching for his arm, Zoey guided it to her and placed the wine glass in his hand. 

"The right word is 'yes', and accept this glass of wine. It's a good day to celebrate." She muttered, her lips curled up into a smile as Matthew Xi held on to the wine glass. 

Zoey strode back to the small table and poured wine into the other empty glass. As she did so, she heard him ask, "What for?"

"Well, aside from establishing my connection with Madam Xi, I want to celebrate my pretty existence!" When the glass was half filled, Zoey turned to Matthew Xi still bearing a smile. 

Now that she recalled a very bad memory in her childhood, Zoey realized she was lucky. After going through such an experience, she's still alive and prancing her way up the social ladder. 

"I see..." Despite not understanding what she meant, Matthew Xi nodded his head as he sighed. 

With that, Matthew Xi strode to the opposite couch and clicked his glass gently to the glass on the table. "Cheers," he muttered before he perched on the couch while loosening his tie. 

"Hehe. Cheers!" Grinning as he was coaxed easily, Zoey picked up the glass of wine. However, instead of sitting on the couch opposite him, Zoey skipped her steps and plopped down beside him. 

Matthew Xi slowly turned his head to his side, arching his brows as he pondered about what she was planning. In his mind, he made an oath to drink moderately so as not to lose his mind midway. 

"So?" Arching his brows, Matthew Xi asked as he felt that this should be the time they talk about something random. 

"So?" Blinking her eyes, Zoey c_o_c_ked her head to the side innocently. 

"Didn't you say we're celebrating?" 

"Yes! So?" 

"Nothing." Matthew Xi shook his head sideways, having the urge to roll his eyes. 

On a second thought, perhaps spending this celebration in silence was a better idea. In that case, after they both have their fill, they could silently go to sleep without a problem. 

Ten minutes had passed and neither of them talked. Zoey would constantly fill her glass and leisurely consume her wine while Matthew Xi enjoyed his wine in peace. 

This reminded him of his usual routine before Zoey happened. He occasionally found himself enjoying a glass of wine, thinking as it helped him relax. 

"Darling," Finally, after spending her time in silence, Zoey finally opened her mouth and called him softly. 

"Hmm?" Humming a tune, Matthew Xi glanced at her flushed cheek and ear. 

"I might break up with you soon." Without facing him, Zoey tilted her head back and stared at the ceiling. 

Knitting his brows, Matthew Xi slightly moved as he faced his body to her. "Why?" Although there wasn't much change in his tone, one could discern that it wasn't pleased by what he heard. 

He did everything he could to keep her interests intact. God knows his inner struggles every night — especially whenever Zoey purposely seduces him. 

Yet, now she was saying such words as if nothing could change her mind. Obviously, this didn't satisfy him. Hence, in that instant, Matthew Xi swore that if worse comes to worse, he didn't need to pretend and he would get what he wanted by hook or by crook.. 

"I like Auntie Xi... I want her to be my mother-in-law. I might seduce her son." Zoey had thought about it during her silence earlier. "Don't worry. Her son has the same name as you... sorry — that's quite harsh." Mocking herself internally, Zoey let out a short scoff as she realized how ins_e_n_s_i_t_i_v_e her words were. 

On the other hand, Matthew Xi slowly calmed down upon hearing her reason. 'I should thank my mother later.' He sighed inwardly, nodding his head as it seemed his mother did a great job at impressing Zoey. 

"No offense taken." Nodding his head, Matthew Xi relaxed as he stared at her side profile. "But, will you tell me if I ask why?" He asked, studying how a soft sigh escaped her lips. 

It intrigued him why would Zoey want to seduce the 'fat shorty' she knew just because she liked his mother? Hence, Matthew Xi had to ask and hoped she would enlighten him. 

"Because she's warm." Still staring at the ceiling, the side of her lips slightly curled up. "I hope to be her daughter... we can't choose our biological parents, but I want to choose who'll be my in-laws." Upon saying that, Zoey took another sip of wine. 

"..." Watching her, Matthew Xi pressed his lips into a thin line as he stopped himself from probing further. 

For a minute, silence enveloped around them until Zoey opened her mouth. 

"Sorry, I won't do it again, please, don't hurt me, I love you... no matter what I said, hate was the only reply they gave me." Her eyes stung, yet her front remained strong as she spouted her often used words in her childhood.

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