"Bloody hell..." though he had seen a lot of this illegal acts through these years of being in the military and in the underground society — it's his first time seeing a group of women; unclothed, being shipped to who knows where.

Seeing him, their frightened teary eyes could not discern if he is a good guy or just one of them.

Although they are being wary about his presence —shivering out of fear and traumatized about their tragic situation because they know what will happen to them if they speak the wrong word.

They couldn't hide their n_a_k_e_d bodies. Their shame and humiliation, the indignation they received and the unspeakable story they've experienced by the hands of these people.

One of them finally mustered up her courage and spoke with her trembling voice since she was desperate to get out of this small hell-cage.

"Mister-- please help us…" choking by the words that slipped from her mouth — little by little, tears started to roll down her eyes like a waterfall.

"Don't go out. Stay here."

"No, no, no -- please…" Riggs grit his teeth as he shuts the container's door once again.

He clenched his hands into a fist as his blood starts to boil —infuriated at this disgusting syndicate. Indeed, Petrov's crime group is one of the nastiest organization of all.

All these years, Luciano had been too reliant to him. However, since he revealed his true identity and got her hands personally on this matter —there is no way he will restrain himself and turn this ship into a ghost ship. Hooking the chains to the door handle reassuring that they won't go out and wander to avoid being caught by their captors or so he thought.


Uno dashed out to the coast and in no time, he reached the cargo ship. Entering the huge vessel unbothered to the bodies lying outside the passageway —he turned to the ship's superstructure or where the crew lives and navigates.

Unlike, Riggs whom he is sure exploring the ship, his main objectives is to avoid an escapee.

Since he'd been itching to get his hands to Petrov who gave the orders to Zero; his foster father to employ him to assassinate Luciano. Even though he should be thanking him instead because he met Luciano and the others, he still wanted to make him pay for abandoning his foster father like a coward when Luciano annihilate his previous organization.

Although he was betrayed by Zero, there is a part of him that still recognized him as his father. After all, he is the only father he had and even though he was used as a mere weapon — to him, it's the last thing that he can do for him —returning the years he owes him.

Reaching his destination, he saw a few cowering people preparing the lifeboat probably to save their own lives and abandon the ship after encountering 'Johnny Rambo' — rattling every single one of them.

"Not so fast,"


One after another, their bodies limped to the sh_i_p_s flooring with a thud while the other lifeless bodies fell off to the ship.

Seeing the domination not far away via the powerhouse rifle's scope, Alexander Han was rendered speechless.

"They're monsters…" although Riggs was not in his sight, he could picture that he is doing the same.

This is like a war.

He realized how lame and coward he was. A mere exposure to the world about the existence of this island is not enough to stop those people. And even if their plan will not work, yet for some reason, seeing them how ferocious they are facing their enemies —part of him tells him that they won't.

The shooting of guns.


Lifeless bodies.

He felt awful causing him to puke to the ghastly sight he couldn't behold. The fact that this scene does happen in real life and not just in the movies shook him to the core.

'this is real and happening...' he thought.

Knowing that his family is not any better —thinking that for years, the money he spent for his luxurious lifestyle caused other families misery and blood, he felt disgusted.


"Paging Lt. Gen Riggs, please blow this place. I repeat, blow those motherfckers up. I'm sleepy." reaching a certain room to where the crew navigates and also the control system of the ship. He found a speaker they used that can resound to every corner of the ship.

Riggs hearing this familiar voice,

"D*amn you, Uno! I won't alright?!" he cursed, alas, Ace wouldn't hear him.

The mangled man he was beating whilst interrogating couldn't speak properly due to the injuries he had.

"Hey, answer me! What are you going to do to those women?!" impatient waiting for his reply, he throws another powerful jab on the bruised man.

Though by the looks of it, anyone can be confused by his barbaric action. The man's face is all swelled up, he broke almost all his teeth and can feel a few broken bones to all the injuries he received from Riggs. How can he answer his inquiries if every questions is twinned by a powerful punch or a roundhouse kick?

"I don't plan to let you live but that someone probably killed everyone out there." exasperated to Uno who couldn't stay still at his appointed task. He dragged the half-dead- the half alive man by his feet.

Reaching the ship's deck, he spotted Uno who was leisurely playing a kwaiken knife in his hands. He assumed he looted it from one of the crew members. He shouted,

"Hey! Will you gather some clothes?! There are n_a_k_e_d women."

"N_a_k_e_d what?" not clearly hearing Riggs' words, he shouted back. Alas, not later passed by, he saw two figures behind Riggs. Due to the distance between them, Ace panicked.

"Drop your gun or I'll kill her!" behind Riggs, a man's desperate voice reached his ears. Turning his head to see who it was, there, he saw a man holding a pistol pressed on the temple of one of the women they held captives. The unclothed woman sobs as she pleaded for her life, not bothering her b_a_r_e body being exposed.

"Please, please, don't kill me…"

Not a change in his expression, Riggs scoffs in disdain,

"I'm no hero…" raising his arms, he swiftly opened fire to the woman he held captive and aimed for her legs. The man was petrified to the man in front of him. When Riggs pulled the trigger once more,

*cluck cluck*

He left out of ammo. Taking advantage of the situation, the man pushed the lady on the ground and opened fired to Riggs direction.



Ace shouted before he shoots, aiming the bullet that was targeting Riggs. His precise shots met with his —successfully diverting its direction before he ravages the retreating man's back. He shoots him continuously consuming every ammo left on the rifle he was using.

"What the f*ck?!" Riggs spoke in disbelief to Ace's action. He was almost shot by him if it weren't for his keen senses.

"You're welcome." not bothering to his ungrateful words. He moved his gaze to the last man alive who's clearly been beaten up pretty badly. He reached for the kwaiken knife he was playing moments ago but was abruptly stopped by Riggs.

"DON'T!" puzzled to his sudden interruption, Ace moves his questioning brows to him.

"We need him…" taking strides to the wretched man, he grabbed him by the collar then spoke.

"It's your lucky day, my friend. Go back to your boss and report this: BUSINESS. IS. CLOSE. It's Luciano's territory now. Step foot on this island again? Then, Luciano will be in his doorsteps. Do you copy?" loud and clear, emphasizing every single word he spoke —he let go of the man.  Ace was baffled to his words.

"that's your grand plan?" He whispers.

"It's time to stops those rumors." he explained in a matter of fact tone.

"Ey, his late." Riggs humor.

Reaching the two men, Brandon was perturbed to their tainted clothes and rigid appearance but what bewildered him was the sight of the dead people he passed by.

"Where is him?!" he growled. Not seeing Alexander Han with them, he raised his high-end rifle out of impulse.

"I'm here!" panting, almost losing his breath as he rests his hands on his knees — as if sprinted his way towards them. Alexander Han hoarse voice was heard from behind him.

"Ey, is that how you treat your heroes?" Riggs spoke returning to his usual self, he continued.

"Bring some clothes with you, they are still women over that container. They're n_a_k_e_d by the way. And let this man go, or else they will be back." giving them a heads up, Riggs started to make strides together with Ace leaving behind the clean up to them.

"Wooh! What a long night! They better served me an expensive vodka." Riggs' amicable tone was relieved that everything was settled, he jest.

"They must." leaving peacefully as the light of the breaking dawn shone on their broad back— they went back to the island's town.

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