Days have passed in the blink of an eye. Seraphina recuperated at Alexander Han's mansion. Though Marga visited her a couple of times wearing her self-condemn expression, at the end of the day, she shamelessly chose to pick the safest option she got -- not informing Sebastian Yue about Seraphina's condition.

The crew together with Marga were transferred to a lively province not far off from the city of country __. Although she was reluctant leaving Seraphina on Isla de Paz but since she insisted about keeping her condition from her Grandfather -- in the end, she agreed.

Looking at the situation outside, her brows furrowed as she watched the townspeople busying themselves preparing for something. It was as though they are preparing for an occasion as she saw them carrying some kitchen utensils.

"What a peaceful community." she murmurs seeing their ear to ear smile and jubilant atmosphere surrounding them.

"Sister~!" a bubbly youthful voice called out to her from the ground. It was the kid she grew fond of. Although with their young and innocent faces, their initiative trying to help out the elders to lighten their task made the scene more lively.

Seeing Seraphina standing at the balcony, they waved at her with their bright smile on their faces.

She faintly waved back as the corners of her cherry plump lips curled upward. If she was given a chance, she would ask Sebastian Yue to leave the city and just stay here peacefully.

Thinking about his old age, he shouldn't exhaust himself from the company works.

Reminiscing her previous lifetime, she realizes how selfish she was. It was always like that. What she wishes, her grandfather will always respect her decision. If only he was a bit more of a busy body, maybe her life wouldn't be as complicated as now.

"How awful…" disgusted by her sudden thought, a bitter smirk formed on her lips.

How can this be her Grandfather's fault? Drifting from her original thought, a dazzling figure was looking up to her from a distant. For a moment, their eyes met before she went back to Alexander Han's room -- now became hers.

Although one of these days, she might come to face the Han family along the way of her revenge -- knowing that the Han family had some connection to some unknown organization —she might as well use him to her advantage.

After all, the Han Corporation is not someone she could offend as the young miss of the Yue family. Her grandfather worked hard to reached their status in any legal way. Having knowledge of the Yue family history, she could imagine all Sebastian Yue's effort in establishing their company.

"What to do?" she sighs. It was one of her dilemma since her second lifetime started. How can she not destroy the company her grandfather built with his blood and sweat along the process of dragging her enemies back to hell.

Not to mention, now that her existence was exposed to the underworld community, her enemies would probably swarm after her.

Fortunately, the whale image of her as Luciano became handy and will stall them for a while.

Sighing as she slumps back to the comfortable king size bed -- the door bust open. Not bothering to the person who trespassed her 'humble abode' until the person's face is right in front of her -- staring directly on her eyes.

"Don't think of releasing another poison." he warned.

"You ain't cute." replying to the man whose face is inch away from hers. Retreating from her sarcastic gaze, he drops his back to the bed parallel to her position as he rests his eyes.

"Rest somewhere else, not here." In the past days she stays here, Alexander Han frequently visits her.

At first, he interrogated her trying to squeeze out the truth of why she is here -- not believing that after their first encounter, he'll meet her again in the most inappropriate time and place. How can this world be this small?

Afterward, he accused her of being a liar about everything but regardless, they quite seem to get along as the days passed by.

He is not what he seemed to be as she expected. He might have a cold front from their first encounter and acted arrogantly, yet on this island, he seems more relaxed and carefree.

"This is my room, woman." sounding exhausted, he replied with his eyes closed.

"It's mine for now." remaining to her position, she retorted.

A brief silence enveloped the room with only their breaths resonating across the room, Alexander Han spoke.


I might not said it before but I'm sorry."

"I'm here because I wanted to. There is nothing to be sorry about." there is not much emotion on her tone as she informed him with honesty.

"I think we met before." Though he doesn't know the reason, but to him, this girl seems oddly familiar. He rarely had this feeling of forgetting something important. Thus, even it is out of his character, he approached her at the casino bar.

"don't let me hear a lame pick up line." she utters disinterestedly.

"Im serious."

"Maybe... since I inherited the beauty of Aphrodite, there is no way that you could mistaken me from someone else." sounding proud as a peac_o_c_k, her conceited remarks made Alexander chuckle.

"Maybe not." Thinking he was over thinking things, he threw the idea from the back of his mind.

There is no way they met before as this girl's personality is something he would never ever forget. Besides, working in the entertainment industry, he might be mistaken as he was surrounded by a lot of pretty faces and it might not as important as his subconscious mind tells him.

"Will you leave now princess?" urging him to leave her alone.

"Am no princess, dear." unconsciously, he felt at ease talking with her. She resembles Jace in somewhat some way thus, it was no surprise that he let his guard down.

"Am no dear, mofo." her sarcastic response cracked Alexander up. Since both of them stayed overseas for years, they seemed to be quite opened and acted with no malice as if their slight bickering was normal.

Her stay in this island made them quite close. She isn't as friendly as she looks like and he was not as overbearing as expected. If not for her situation, Seraphina would not mind gaining a friend. After all, he might come handy in the future.

"This is nice." he hushed peacefully.

"It will if you're not here." she objected trying to ruin his placid mood.

"Alright." getting up from the bed, he informed her about the upcoming events later that night.

"There is a celebration later, you might wanna come." not going through the details, he invited before leaving the shameless person squatting his room.



A loud bang resounded in an obscure office as the man's trembling fist landed at the desk in front of him.

"That damn Luciano! He dared mess with my business!" he scorned.

Every russian word that slipped from his mouth was full of abhorrence as the news about Luciano's interference reached him. Calling out his right hand man, he ordered.

"Gather our men! I'll teach that fat bastard a lesson myself. I'll make him disappear once and for all!" gritting his teeth, he laughs maniacally as he pictures Luciano grovelling beneath his feet as he tortures him to death.

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