"Bratva, Triads, Mobs, Yakuza, Cosa Nostra, Zips, Mafiosi whatever you call them -- they're my little friends. You've seen those whacked heads not long ago... do you want the details how did they end up like that? Or how I killed them slowly by simply missing their vital parts then carefully slid my cute little finger inside their narrow wounds? Or how I clip a beauty? I didn't stop un --"

"Enough! why are you saying this? Why?!" feeling agitated to the disgusting crimes she spoke off, he couldn't stop himself from raising his voice.

"eh? I'm doing you a favor, princess." She sassed.

"You too, do yourself a favor and run far away from me." her monotone voice is like a skin-cutting winter breeze.

The room fell to an awkward silence.

Cracking the suffocating silence enveloping the room -- she returns to her usual self -- the off-the-wall her. She smiled brightly as if her dangerous aura was just his figment of imagination.

"You will let me borrow your boat, yeah? We'll be leaving tomorrow." she turned her back on him again as she rests her arms on the balcony railings.

Alexander Han hangs his head down as an explicable emotions creep on his heart -- leaving disoriented with those familiar feeling that words can't even give justice.

As the door slams, no one could analyze Seraphina's complex gaze as she peered at the horizon.


"Hey, Leon who's that? You rarely receive calls." Tito pry as he cuts some flower then arranged them in a pot. Although it looks peculiar that a man with the body of hulk seems to be elated arranging flowers like a cute maiden.

"It was boss. Cosa Nostra.[1]" his low youthful voice yet unmask with his l_u_s_t for blood made the petite man smile haughtily. Referring to the order he was given, he turned to the door that was burst open revealing an exquisite man with unflappable temperament before him.

"Rex! Will you fly me to Russia?" bold as he was, he requested with his beaming eyes. Not asking for a reason, Rex nodded as he agreed to Leon's request.

"Great! Go get lyrebird ready." Acting magnanimous, Leon successively demanded to the composed and calm Rex.

"Boss is really back, I see. Who is it this time?" The satisfied Goliath inquired.

"Russian brotherhood. Gavrill is the name. But he wants him alive." he pouted as he was reminded by her last words.

"I'll just clip him -- a bit." Turning to the positive side of her order, Leon was thrilled as his imagination gets wild.

"See you on Country C then." Tito enthusiastically responded.


Alexander Han pounds his c_h_e_s_t. Each pound gets harder and heavier.

'Why?' uncertain to the overwhelming confound pain -- he asked himself internally.

Just days ago, she and him got a little closer yet now she wanted him to piss off. He already knew that she was not an ordinary girl but seeing her true nature -- shouldn't he suppose to despise her?

Her paralyzing aura, the despicable crimes she admitted, her murderous gaze -- he must hate her. She is no better than his kin but why does his agony felt different? Did he fell for her that easily?

He mockingly chuckled at his thoughts, he murmurs, "That's impossible." how can he fall for someone who lies to his face? Ordering somebody to kill someone's life without batting an eye, not to mention, she is related to those kinds of people who disgust him the most.

Slumping to his bed, he sluggishly covered his eyes with his arm.

"You're not that beautiful, don't think highly of yourself. Your hands are rough, they're not ladylike. You're a liar, I despise it. You're crazy, mad, lunatic, a psychopath -- you need help. Stop acting cute, you're not. Your smiles are pathetic. You got injured, you deserved it. Cruel woman, I shouldn't met you. I hate you." over and over again, he convinced himself all her bad traits were not something he would fall for, yet his words fade as his broad shoulders start to lightly quiver.

'Why do the people I like always hurt me?'


[What truly transpired that night]

After Seraphina left him, Alexander Han joined the fun and drowned himself with the booze they had. Although he had a high alcohol tolerance -- he felt bashful thus, drowning his dejection along with the bitter alcohol was his solution.

As the celebration end, under the influence of alcohol, he failed to remember that his room was being occupied with someone else. Since the door wasn't locked, he entered the room freely. He staggered his way to the comfortable spacious bed then collapsed unto it.

The highly addicting light fragrance his bed emits makes him more comfortable as he wrapped himself with the cozy comforter.

Seraphina was in the balcony when the man entered the room. Tilting her head as he sees the burrito man rolling to 'her' bed, she abruptly pulled the blanket.

Alexander Han frowned as he wasn't appeased to the sudden disturbance. He sat grumpily.


"Hey! You heartless human, why did you snatch my blanket?" Pointing his finger on her, he interrogates. His face was fl_u_s_tered probably due to alcohol.

"Get out." disinterested to answer his query, she scats him away.

"No! No! No!" he crossed his arms as he shakes his head repeatedly.

Seraphina rolled her eyes as she reaches for his arms planning to drag him away yet Alexander Han drop his back once again against the mattress.

"Do you know how fast it takes a man to fall in love? They said 15 seconds but it only took me 1 second." Seraphina halted hearing his sentiments. Not responding to him, he proceeded.

"I'm a fool."

"She's beautiful." she sassed. He pouted as he sat back again. Turning his attention to her whom he believes her illusion.

"Hey, woman! For your information, I've seen different beauties from all over the world! If I like her based on her looks -- I've been in love in my entire life!" he answered back.

"Why do you like her then?" tilting her head, she probed trying to squeeze out the truth.

"I -- How can I know?" displease with her question, he answered with honesty.

"She used me as her driver then she threatened someone else's life -- we wouldn't meet anyway so I didn't want to be involved but here she is! In this peaceful island making troubles for me." referring to their first encounter, Alexander Han confessed.

Although Seraphina knew he was there, since he was not talking about it -- why would she?

"You're talking rubbish." tired hearing his nonsense blabber, she reached for his arms but due to her injuries which aren't fully healed, Alexander caught her hands instead. Gazing at her delicate hands, he spoke.

"But why? Even if your hands look delicate yet they're rough? I'm prettier than her but now I doubt that. I hate liars but why don't I dislike her? She's mad, crazy, a psychopath or worse but why is it I think I am the one I needed help? Why does she look cuter every day? She was gravely injured but why didn't I seen her winced, even once? Does the pain that grave that it makes her so numb? Why does she smile yet your eyes aren't? Why do I want to make her happy? Why…" a series of why's continued as he placed her hand on his cheek.

Seraphina kept silent as she listens to his endless prattle. She let him snuggle on her hand like a kitten for no apparent reason.

"I wanted to comfort her. Come." without further a do, Seraphina was caught off guard as he pulled her into his embrace. After a few seconds, he deliberately loosened his embrace as if afraid that she would vanish into thin air.

"Bad Sera… you make me upset. You never even call me by my name… can you not make me … like you?"

After a minute of complete silence, she spoke,

"Alex… thank you." turning to her left, she supported her head with her hand as she gazes on his side profile. Subconsciously hearing her call his name, a satisfied smile formed on his lips.

"What a whimsical cry-baby." she spoke as her voice softens.

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