[Yue International Enterprise; Seraphina's office]

"Hack-achu, leave no traces on transferring the money." She nonchalantly reminded him as she scans the sale doc_u_ments of Yue International on her hand.

"Ey, boss, I see you earned a lot today. Congrats! Even though you boldly transferred it to my account, you big bully!" X prattles disheartened by her action.

If it wasn't for his skill, sooner or later, if the person whom his boss hacked would go to the authorities, it'll probably be a big problem for him as it'll divert them all to him, not Luciano. Nonetheless, his boss has money now, thus, it just means he'll be back in the underground world soon. Not receiving a response on Seraphina's end, he spoke once again.

"Boss, why are you still using that girl's voice? Did you perhaps come out from your closet? Is this the new leaf you're referring the last time? You're gay?" he probed. However, Seraphina as if not hearing him, inquired about other concerns.

"Where are my cuties?"

"uh, the others still have something to tend to but Tito already arrived in Country X. He's probably arranging his shop by now." X informed her.

Since he also had something to finish before packing his things and fly to where she said for them to meet. However, knowing Luciano, even if they went at the said month he referred; since it was not stated urgent and what exact date, he'll probably not show up to them immediately even if they arrived on time.

"How about the thing that I asked you?" she asked again.

"Uh, that… Jose Rodrigo, he was the number 1 drug cartel in Country M. For the past two years, wait let me send it to you. There." he explained briefly.

After he paused, Seraphina receives an email from an unknown sender. Even though she didn't inform him what personal email she was using, but since she called him with her current cell phone and X has his ways tracking her location that easily, she opened it immediately.

Photos and information of the said man welcomed Seraphina's monitor. As she went through the information thoroughly -- X cheerful voice was heard once again.

"Also, boss -- it's not indicated there but from what I garner from a trusted outsource, Jose Rodrigo made an alliance with dragon. Although there are no data left of their alliance, well, that is the evidence." referring to the lack of clue which made it more possible evidence. After all, every information about dragon's activity was like a wind that passes through you, yet, you'll never be able to grasp them.

"I see. That's enough information. You have three weeks to get your a_s_s here." with that ultimatum, she hung up.

These people know her too well. Although she asked them to come here a few months ago, it seems that her team was busy doing something and since her plate is full by the current business affairs, she might not execute her schemes towards those felons.

Moreover, the realization of one's power requires much effort and needed this side of world's helping hand to fight the current largest and most powerful triad in the underworld. Also, since her second life started, she grasps the fact that her current power is not enough to fight dragon head-on. She needed to cripple him bit by bit.

"Dragon, you'll regret letting me off for too long." she mumbles.

Her phone rang once again, Seraphina checks the caller ID and it was X. Her brows knitted at why would he call her again.

"what?" as soon as she picked up the call, she instigates.

"err, boss you might want this information. Not long ago, a group of rookies wages a war against Dragon. Although they are rookies, they'd manage to ambush one of his quarters. Maybe that's the reason why he formed an alliance with Jose Rodrigo." he informed with added speculations.

'I see, he's not letting me off but just busy at the moment' she thought inwardly.

"did they win?" her interest was piqued, thus, she probed further.

"the last time I heard, they are being hunted down by Dragon. I guess they lost. You know that man's power." X stated in a trivial manner, he continued.

"So boss, if you plan to mess with Jose Rodrigo, I'm afraid Dragon would back him up."

"I don't plan to mess with him but get him to my side but since his with Dragon now, I'm afraid he won't even save his ass." she smirks as her expression darkens.

"boss? What do you mean?" x asked in confusion. Don't she want to go up against Jose Rodrigo? Why does she sound like she was against Dragon? He had a sudden hunch which made X's heart race -- the feeling of a bad premonition.

"Can you locate those rookies hideout?" she inquired in a rather solemn manner.

"I'm not sure but I can try."

After a brief contemplation, Seraphina's authoritative voice commanded.

"You better be sure. Mobilize some of our caporegime and their soldiers. We'll back them up."

"what the actual fck?" X was stunned by the abrupt orders.

"don't you know the saying; my enemy's enemy is my friend."

"since when are you into saying?!" whenever they have a conversation since he's come back, his boss was always stated nonsense saying which made the corner of his lips twitch.

"Wow, what a noob." with that ridiculing note, Seraphina cut the line.

"this kid needs a social life." she mumbles as she shakes her head --pitying the man who spends his day and night in front of numerous monitors.

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