Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 89 - it's obvious, f u

As soon as Riggs and Tito trespassed the location where Seraphina was held captive, she immediately knew what was about to happen seeing their fully loaded big toys with them.

'Dammit!" she cursed inwardly.

Sprinting her way towards the nearest person in her vicinity --catching the person off-guard by the sudden intrusion of her men; she forcefully twists the person's head snapping his neck which instantly killed him. By the next second, a metal rattling noise was all she can hear along with the screams and shouts from the people who kidnapped her.

"Boss, we're under attack!"

"It's obvious! F*ck you!"


"F*ck! Fck!" shouted by someone who's been hit on his shoulder.

Since the location was rather empty and there is no way of escape nor could hide -- only the quick-witted one was the first to duck. With their lives intact along with their comrades' lifeless bodies collapsing to the dusty floor one after another.

For some reason, these intruders just randomly shoot just anywhere but the ground --not realizing that their forgotten hostage was slump to the ground --covered with a corpse of one of them as well.

As soon as Mike and his few alive men avoided the first batch of attack, some of them swiftly loaded their pistols. Alas, how can they contest in a fair gun dogfight if their weapon has the difference between heaven and earth?

"Woah, bestie, how can hide a heavy machine gun inside your cutie girly blooming shop?" Riggs turned his sparkling eyes beside him right after testing this big guy's toy. Tito offered a wide grin, he answered.

"For emergency purposes."

"Nice. that's my guy!" satisfied by his reply, Riggs showed a thumbs-up. After the surprise attack they launched -- do they think that everyone was dead by having this seemingly normal conversation between two friends?

The remaining survivors couldn't be more insulted by these intruders' relaxed action, thus, grabbing the opportunity, some who had their pistols started to shoot back.

Based on the range of their two targets and Mike's men current standpoint, their retaliation was desperate missing them succinctly by their inconcise and unpolished marksmanship. After all, they haven't had professional training as they are originally a street gang and just recently recruited under Don tuna's wings. Regardless, they couldn't die without fighting back.

Riggs crazily drop the heavy machine gun then dashed forward welcoming the incoming attacks from this lowly-group. With his eyes full of contempt and bloodl_u_s_t, leaving Tito's overly-muscled figure behind who automatically cover for him.


"Great! I never had an exercised for a long time!" he shouted deliberately provoking them for more. However, the best injury they could give this madman was the grazed on his shoulder which frightened them by his superhuman speed dodging. Not to mention, that giant man behind who precisely diverts each bullets direction.

'F*ck! He's crazy!'

'This guy, he'll kill us all!'

'I haven't met our big boss yet f*ck!'

'Where on earth these two came from?!'

Although the remaining mafioso's alive was in haywire with their hopeless situation facing these two; they couldn't stop shooting forward. After all, this is the only 'honor' they could have before meeting their impending doom.

As soon as Riggs reached the first person he stumbled upon, lying lifelessly on the sullied floor with his own pool of blood gushing out from the hole on his head, he instantly pulled him up without a sweat and used it as a human shield.


As the proximity of Riggs position corresponds with Mike's group standpoint, it made him an easy target. They kept shooting viciously aware of their decreasing ammo.

"Yo, how can you shoot your compadre's corpse like that? You heartless animals!" Although the continuous deafening gunshots are still splitting on each ear, Riggs shameless remark was audibly heard.

'Are you crazy?! You're the one who killed him in the first place!'

'Shameless bastard!'

'Who's heartless who?!'

In the midst of Mike and his men's present footing, they couldn't help but twitch their already distorting face by this man's outrageous note -- complaining inside their still conscious mind. Nonetheless, they didn't stop opening fire towards him.

One by one, only the 'crickety-clack-clack' from their guns was heard. Meaning, they run out of ammo which frightened their hearts because the end of their lives is just lurking around the corner.

As the sound of the roaring guns moments ago subsided, Riggs grinned evilly. From Mike's group perspective, he depicted as a grim reaper picking them up to deliver them to hell. Alas, everyone was stunned hearing gleeful laughs of a woman.

Although they knew they shouldn't look at its source, they still unconsciously turned their heads anyway.

Seeing their original hostage was still alive and not a bit frightened, furthermore, she seemed rather more gleeful than ever by her laughter which led them to confusion.

Not long after, the reason behind her genuine laughs delivered to their knowledge right away.

"Pfft-! Damn, I never knew haha that pfft-- how shameless, Riggs!" tossing the person that she used as a human quilt that protected her for any stray bullet that might come at her.

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