Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 1329: I made a circle of friends, and it was Jiugongge

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

When the three people left the shop carrying things, a clerk suddenly chased after her and said nervously, "Three stay back."

Su Qianxun, Gu Mian and Su Jiye all turned around and looked at the female clerk. She continued, "That's it. I just sent this gentleman's photo to the enterprise group and was seen by our boss. Would you like to ask, is this gentleman interested in being a model in our company? "

"Being your company's model?" Su Qianxun looked at her in doubt.

"Yes, the two also saw that this gentleman wears our company's clothes just like tailor-made. Each set is perfected by him, much better than our company's current models, so The company executives wanted to invite him, and I think it's a good opportunity. "

The clerk certainly hopes that this can be achieved. If she can make it happen, will she still worry about her promotion and salary increase in the future?

"Being a model ... can you make money?" Su Jiye asked.

"Of course, the model is quite relaxed, and the salary is still high." The clerk immediately answered.

"Jie Ye, you already have a job now." Su Qianxun didn't want his brother to enter this industry.

She has some knowledge of the industry, but it is still quite chaotic.

"Sister, I have time on the weekend, I want to do it!" Su Jiye heard that she had money to take it, and looked at her sister firmly.

He didn't want his sister to worry about money. He wanted to make more money, raise his sister, spend money on his sister, and buy things for his sister.


"Chihiro, if you want to do it at night, just let him do it. It is also a chance to exercise." Gu Mian felt that it was okay.

"Since you want to do it, do it. I have to explain in advance that my brother is not a professional model, so if it is not good enough then, it is normal." Su Chihiro said.

"Okay, that's great. Leave a phone call and add a WeChat. Then you come to our company headquarters to sign a contract." The clerk was so happy to fly.

Su Qianxun did not dare to leave her brother's number, and left her to her, WeChat also added her own.

Just let the clerk contact you with anything.

When the three people left by the elevator, Su Qianxun and Gu Mian involuntarily sent photos of Su Jiye to the circle of friends, and it was Jiugongge!

Each of them is handsome and heart-warming. The teenagers in the bright light are melancholic, simple and innocent.

Su Qianxun and Gu Mian rarely tweeted a circle of friends, so after the two sent out, they attracted a lot of likes and comments.

Sir Long set Su Qianxun's dynamics as a special reminder. When he heard the beep of the mobile phone, he immediately picked up the phone to see it.

When he saw the content of Su Qianxun's circle of friends, his face changed slightly, all the photos were Su Jiye, and the essay turned out to be ... love you! There are also several heart-shaped posts on the back!

Sir Long looked at these photos and determined that it was the autistic boy. He hadn't paid much attention to the look of the boy before, and now he looks so good even at this look!

However, this kid does not look like a child at all!

When Chu Xinian came in to deliver tea, she saw that Long Sijue was frowning and looking at her mobile phone. She wanted to come over and take a look. Long Sijue immediately stood up and strode to the office.

She wanted to talk to him, and Long's phone had been dialed out and connected.

"Where?" He asked directly.

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