Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 1855: Not called ruthlessness! This is called responsible!

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

"Oh, it turns out to be a designer." Men seem to be happy to see the result.

The expression of the girl next to him also looked better, admiring in Li Junyu's eyes.

"Qingqing, it's not called yet, this is your brother Junyu. You two played together when you were young."

"Brother Junyu, I'm Qingqing, do you remember me?" The little girl looked at him with flushed cheeks.

"Sorry, my memory is not so good as I get older, I don't remember it well, then I'll be out of the company, and I'll find you a drink later." Li Junyu left Su Qianxun after speaking.

"That little girl just loved you just now, why are you so unforgiving?" Su Qianxuan asked him.

"She likes me to be her. What's the matter with me?"


"It's really unforgiving!" Su Qianxun said lightly.

"Oh ~ Anyone who likes me can be discharged from here to the suburbs. If I take care of everyone, I must not be exhausted, reject a person I don't like, and not call it ruthless! This is called responsible! Do you understand silly girl!" Li Jun Yu reached out and poked her forehead.

Su Chihiro, "..."

Well, she admits he was more reasonable this time.

As a person, you really have to learn to refuse.

The two walked towards the banquet hall while talking. By the time the banquet hall was filled with many people, Su Qianxuan saw Li Junao at first glance.

At this time alone came over and handed a box to Li Junyu.

"Just give this to my mother."

"……it is good."

Is she just responsible for passing it on?

Li Junyu took her to go forward. Many people greeted him on the way. He responded politely one by one. The last two people stopped in the middle of the banquet hall.

"Mom, happy birthday." Li Junyu said with a smile.

Mrs. Li turned around immediately when she heard her son's voice. When she saw him, her eyes flashed instantly, like the stars in the sky.

Su Qianxun saw her true feelings for her son, but what surprised her even more was that Mrs. Li's appearance and temperament were really well maintained.

"You scumbag, you know how to come back. You talked about how long you haven't shown up. It's hard for me to be a mom to see you. You are busier than your elder brother." Madam Li complained, but her face was difficult. Concealing her joy, she kept looking at Su Chihiro.

"Where is this lady?" Madam Li looked at Su Qianxun, her eyes were shining.

"Hi Mrs. Li, I'm a designer who rarely asked you. He specially asked me to design a set of jewelry for your birthday. I hope you will live a long life and be young forever." Su Chihiro quickly took his hand The box was lifted up and opened, and many auspicious words were spoken at the same time.

"This girl really speaks, wow, so pretty!"

It was also the first time that Su Qianxun saw this set of jewelry she designed, and she was amazed. Although she knew that the effect of this set of jewelry would not be bad, she did not expect it to be so good.

The top emperor green is surrounded by diamonds. The two echo each other. The diamonds are brilliant and the jade is the best of the best.

People around were also attracted by the set of jewelry, everyone was praised, and reporters came to take pictures.

"You are so blessed to have such a filial son." A gentle voice sounded behind him.

Mrs. Li smiled and said, "Well, this child is so naughty, I can't control him, like a donkey."

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