Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 1997: She thought she was right again

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

"Marrying you now gives a little boy, how could I be unwilling? I can tell you now with certainty, I am willing! But, is your relationship with Long Sijue not over yet?"

Ye Gu repeated it seriously.

He is now more fortunate that he should be the first person she was looking for.

If she didn't come back by herself, if she didn't happen to be here, she would be afraid to talk to other men.

In other words, no matter who the person is here today, she will mention marriage to this person.

The thought of this made his heart ache, and she had been forced to death.

Otherwise, how could she say such things in her character.

"Well, I can rest assured that you have this sentence. As for the relationship with Long Sige, I will end it as soon as possible." Su Qianxun knew that he had to find a way to get rid of Long Sige.

"If you need my help, just say so."

"Thank you, I want to fix it myself." Su Chihiro frowned slightly.

The idea of ​​finding someone to get married was also forced out by Long Sijue.


After Ye Gu sent her home, she left after watching her enter, and he had a lot of recent events.

After returning home, Su Qianxun greeted Zhang Ye and returned to her bedroom. She sat on her bed and took out her mobile phone to call Long Sijue.

"Something?" Lord Long's voice was cold.

Su Qianxun laughed, "I want to see you now!"

"I'm busy now!"

"If you don't show up within an hour, don't expect to see me and the child again!" Su Chihiro threatened not to be outdone.


"You can choose not to come!" Su Qianxun hung up the phone directly after speaking.

after an hour……

Lord Long did not come.

Su Qianxun turned off when he called him again.

She lowered the phone slowly, the phone slipped to the bed, and she closed her eyes helplessly.

She thought it was right again.

He cares about himself at all, how can he be threatened by himself.

Now it seems that he has no feelings for the child. He may want this child only because his blood is on the child.

He also has no love for children.

The door was knocked, and Su Ji came in the night and said, "Sister, what are you doing?"

"Oh, it's okay, did you work overtime again today?" Su Qianxuan took a deep breath, not wanting to be affected by Sir Long.

"Well, I have been working overtime lately, sister, don't you want to deal with those outside, okay?" Su Ji came to her in front of her and asked.

"Why? People living in this world just want to associate with people." Su Qianxun looked at his brother puzzled.

"It is enough for you to have me, and I will always be with you."


"Fool, how can you always stay with me? If you grow up, you still have to get married and have children to form your own small family. At that time, your sister will quit your life." Su Chihiro held his big hand.

Su Jiyue frowned. "I don't want to get married. I'm only with you as a family. If I want to leave you, I will never do that."

"Marriage is not to leave, but to let you have a girl in love. This is something everyone must experience. No one can be an exception ... I will always be your sister. This will not change." Su Chihiro Explain patiently to him.

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