Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 2069: Appropriate matching appears

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

Su Qianxuan really felt that this man was sick, she didn't want to think about what he was doing now, and got up and stayed away from him.

The doctor came in in a hurry, just before the tight string in everyone's heart was about to break, the doctor said, "A suitable match appeared!"

One word made everyone hold their breath, everyone looked at the doctor who came to inform the good news ...

"What did you say, you say it again!" Tang Zui first responded, yelling.

"I've found a match! It's just that people are not at home and abroad, and we are trying to contact the other party!" The doctor was also very excited.

At this moment, everyone was sure that they heard nothing wrong, Long Xiluo stood up, but because he didn't eat much or rest for three days, his body shook twice.

Su Chihiro also covered his mouth, tears falling down.

There was only one voice in her heart. It was so good. It was really so good. Liner was saved.

"Where is that person? Tell me I'll send someone to invite you right away!" Said Long Sijue.

"We are still in contact. We haven't contacted yet, but don't worry too much. Generally speaking, people who are willing to do matching are willing to donate bone marrow." The doctor explained.

"You continue to contact. After contacting, please give us the contact information immediately." Si Mancheng felt that he was not at ease, and it would be better to contact him by then.

At that time, you can give more money to the other party, so that you can be safer.

In fact, everyone thinks this way. Before they can be sure that people can come to donate, everyone is not practical.

Long Xiluo looked at Liner who woke up, came over and held his little hand, "Liner, the person who successfully matched you has been found! Don't be afraid, Mommy will save you!"

No matter how much it costs.

"Mum, I just dreamed about my daddy." Lin Er's voice was a little weak, and now he had a tube in his nose, looking pitiful.

Long Xilu endured tears and looked at his son's poor appearance, distressed.

"Do you see what he looks like?"

For the first time, she felt too sorry for this child!

He should really want to know who his father is, and he wants to see that man.

However, she did not know what the man looked like.

"I only saw a little bit, it's too far, I can't see clearly, but I know he is very handsome and very powerful!" Lin Er said softly.

"Well, you don't look like Mummy, it must look like Daddy, so he must be a handsome guy." Long Xiluo gently touched his head.

"I think so, Mommy, I'm so sleepy, I still want to sleep." Liner said, closing her eyes again.

"Liner, Liner ..." Long Xiluo was going crazy, she touched her son's face nervously, knowing that the more he slept, the weaker his body was.

"Call the doctor!" Long Sijue's expression was also grim, and Lin Er's condition looked really bad.

Su Chihiro was also worried that his hands were shaking.

The doctor came over and gave Liner some medicine and said, "At most half a month, if I can't operate ..."

I do n’t need to say anything else, everyone understands.

"Haven't you contacted the person who matched successfully? Didn't you say that you are willing to donate as long as you are willing to match?" Long Sier asked coldly.

"Generally yes, we are in contact, we are trying to contact." The doctor cold sweat came down again.

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