Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 2190: I can handle it

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

"What do you mean, Mianmian has been very good lately, and she hasn't been with Tang Zui."


Gu father and mother almost couldn't help telling the truth, but they finally resisted. The couple discussed it, and Gu Ling couldn't say anything until he recovered completely.

"Brother, you drink porridge first, I'll bring it over." Gu Mian quickly shifted the topic.

Gu Ling looked at the three suspiciously, took the bowl that Gu Mian had passed, and bowed his head to drink porridge.

"Brother, eat more. Liner has just finished the surgery. I'll check it out."

Gu Mian didn't want to stay any longer, she was about to suffocate.

"Okay, you go, remember what I said." Gu Ling looked at her seriously.

"I know." Gu Mian didn't say hello to her parents, turned around and escaped from the ward.

It was only when she was outside that she felt that she could breathe smoothly. This time, her parents' attitude towards her really chilled her.

After Gu Mian left, Gu Ling looked up and asked, "You guys, what's going on? Why did you tell your sister this way? Didn't I tell you this, don't tell her this way, she is your daughter too ! "

"She's too disobedient, you just don't care about it, it's important to take care of the injury, and wait until you are hurt to talk about anything."

"You have to raise your body quickly, the company is still waiting for you to take over, you are good, our family can live a solid life."

"I promise you to take good care of yourself, and you promise me, too, don't aim at sleep, she's very pitiful, anyway, is also your daughter." Gu Ling continued to drink porridge.



Gu Mian went to see Liner. The little guy was asleep and she chatted with Su Qianxun for a while. When Tang drunk came in, she pulled her out.

"Go to see Ling again? Don't be too tired yourself." Tang Zui held her hand in distress.

"There is a caregiver, and I don't need to do anything, I'm not tired at all, it's you, I've been running on both sides recently, and it's hard." Gu Mian smirked.

Tang Zui quickly hugged her, "Sorry, I'm sorry, I promise to wait for Tang Ning, it will never happen again."

"She is suffering from a mental illness. When will it be okay? I look far away." Gu Mian was very upset at this.

It doesn't matter if it's fake, but since she chose to come back and be drunk with Tang again, she must accept it, no matter how difficult it is.

"She has been doing well recently. I asked the doctor and said that if she cooperated with the treatment, she would be cured in less than a year."

"It's too easy to think about it? It can be cured in one year, but it will still recur, or she will be susceptible to recurrence with any stimulation."


Tang Zui is not unaware of the situation, but anyway, he doesn't want Gu Mian to leave himself.

"Mianmian, I'm sorry to make you feel wronged." Tang Zui held her chin and pinned her hair.

"It's nothing to be wronged by me. I'm afraid ... the days like this are endless. I just want a hope." Gu Mian closed her eyes sadly. If there was no hope at all, how could she survive it.

"Trust me, I can handle it well." Tang Zui lowered his head and kissed her forehead.

A scream interrupted the intimacy of the two, and Gu Mian was taken aback by this screaming cry. Tang Zui was also shocked, and it was Tang Ning's voice.

Tang Zui turned his head back immediately, and saw Tang Nang looking distantly at the two ...

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