Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 2451: Surprise

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Natural slow-cooked dumplings, Mu grapefruit naturally contracted.

Tang Zui looked at the dumplings he had made and could only eat it by himself. He thought of Gu Mian, but in fact he kept thinking of her.

Every day every day, he thought about what she was doing. He still had some doubts in his heart. Did Gu Mian really love Tang Ming instead of herself, as she said?

The New Year's Eve meal is very hearty and full of dishes.

What Long Sijue is most looking forward to is dumplings.

The maid brought up a few plates of dumplings and put them in front of each one separately.

Long Sijue looked at the dumplings in front of Su Qianxun, many of them had broken the skin, the filling was gone, and only the crusts were left.

"Isn't it delicious?"

Long Sijue frowned and looked at the dumplings he had wrapped, knowing that he should work harder to make them better.

"No, it must be particularly delicious!" Su Chihiro looked at him firmly, and put one in her mouth.

Long Sijue looked down at the plate of dumplings in front of himself. Each one was full and looked very cute, making people want to eat it.

"You taste it, maybe there is a surprise!" Su Chihiro said mysteriously.

Sir Long picked one and ate it, perhaps with the same filling, and he also felt particularly delicious.

"It's delicious!" Si Mancheng held Mu Muyou's hand.

Mu Grapefruit has tried hard to make herself happy, he still felt that her mood was not very good.

"What you make is also delicious." Mu grapefruit also ate what he made.

Tang Zui was eating dumplings made by himself, and his mouth was very unpleasant.

"Let's raise a glass to celebrate first, and we don't know if we will get together again in the future!" Tang Zui raised the glass in front of himself.

Long Sijue and Si Slow City listened to him and felt a little distressed to him. The most painful thing recently is him.

Tang drunk first, and everyone else drank.

Su Qianxun looked at his uncomfortable look, and it was very unpleasant in her heart. Sometimes she hated what Tang Zui did, but when he looked at his poor appearance again, she felt unbearable.

In the end, the dishes on the table didn't move much. A few people ate up the dumplings on the plate.

Dragon Chief Sure enough ate several surprises, because Su Qianxun secretly changed the dumpling stuffing.

There was brown sugar, chocolate, and fish balls. In short, in order to make him happy and surprise him, she did everything she could.


the other side.

He had been thanking Ye Gu for the dinner that Ye Lengxiao had with Ye Gu.

"Your Highness, thank you so much for letting me know the truth of the matter. If it weren't for you, I would really regret it for life!" Prison cold Xiao respected him a cup.

"Actually, when I first saw you, I felt like you were a little like Long, and I just guessed that what I did was what I should do."

"No! You are my benefactor. The most important thing for our prison family is the son-in-law. The old thing in the Dragon family knows our prison family too much, so we will do it! He is really not a thing!" Prison cold Xiao Now remembering that the dragon is still old and grieving.

"Actually, do you also have to learn to let go, and Long Lao can't live long, and it's even more impossible to live long today with a shot."

"Let it go? The whole family is dead in one's hands. How can I let it go?" Prison cold Xiao shook his head, then he might as well die.


Ye Gu also knew that it was difficult, but he still felt that it would not be good for anyone to go on like this.

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