Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

Two people entered the living room, Mier ran over happily, and asked Su Qianxun when to wear a beautiful necklace, when to take pictures, and when to develop a conference.

Su Qianxun talked to Mier for a while, then went back to the room first. She is tired today and needs a bath to relieve her fatigue.

Everyone else saw she was tired and didn't come to bother her.


On the weekend, Tang Zui planned to take Gu Mian and Gu Chen to go out for a day of play, which was a holiday trip for the family of three.

Gu Mian wanted to refuse, but looking at her son's expectation, she refused to refuse him.

In the end, only promised.

After getting drunk, Tang was so happy that he was ready to eat. He drove a motor home and prepared to take the mother and son for a day outing.

Gu Chen has never been outing, and he did n’t even go out to play. After all, Mommy's health is not good. He has been very obedient and sensible since he was a child.

This is why Gu Mian promised that she could not accompany her son for the rest of her life, at least to leave him some good memories.

Now she is willing to do anything that can make Gu Chen happy.

Tang Zui came to pick up the mother and son early in the morning. When the three came downstairs, there was a person standing downstairs. When Tang Zui and Gu Mian saw the people, their faces changed.

Tang Ming!

Turns out to be Tang Ming!

I haven't seen it for a few years. Tang Ming has changed a lot. People are thin and dry. They look like a sick person.

"You bastard, you dare to come, I'll kill you!" Tang drunk rushed over and killed Tang Ming. If he hadn't done so many nasty things then, he would not be separated from Mianmian!

Tang Zui made an oath, this time seeing Tang Ming again, no more nonsense, kill him directly!

Tang Ming just looked at Gu Mian tiredly, his eyes were complicated and inexplicable, there was pain, tension, fear, guilt, and relief ...

It seemed like watching her come back safely, he could let go of everything, stop worrying about anything, and be completely at ease.

Tang Zui took hold of Tang Ming's collar, and he didn't even respond at all.

Gu Chen held her mom's hand nervously, not knowing what had happened, which would make Daddy so violent and cruel.

Gu Mian is completely indifferent to Tang Ming. She likes it, tangles it, and hates it. Now she is very calm and looks at him like a stranger.

"Tang drunk, don't scare Chen Chen. He's afraid. Go on an outing, Chen Chen has been looking forward to it for a long time." Gu Mian's voice was also very calm, just like her person.

Tang Zui's body froze. His muscles are now tight. He wants to kill Tang Ming as a bastard!

Especially knowing those afterwards.

"You don't have to kill me. I'm dying. It won't take long for me to die. It will only dirty your hands." Tang glanced at him lightly.

"Ha, retribution is coming! It's so happy, I want to celebrate it!" Tang drunk Tang Ming pushed hard, he flew out like a kite with a broken line.

Tang Ming fell to the ground. At that moment, Gu Mian thought he might be killed like this.

Tang Ming fell to the ground, he suddenly smiled bitterly, "Yeah, maybe this is my retribution, I have done too much bad things! Retribution finally came! But Tang drunk, if not you took me away Favorite woman, will I do these wrong things? I'm getting retribution now, but what a good person hurt you like me? "

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