Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 312: Let her go if you don't love her

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

Gu Mian wanted to push Lu Ming away, but he hugged her too tightly, she couldn't push it away!

When she saw Tang Zui appear not far away, if she was struck by lightning suddenly, she even forgot to breathe, she really did not know how Tang Zui was here!

"Mianmian, I like you, I always like you, I know you like me too!" Lu Ming was really excited, holding Gu Mian's arm tighter.

The man on his body was suddenly pulled away, and Tang Zui knocked Tang Ming down on the sand with a punch. Tang Ming had no defense at all. After being knocked down by him, Tang Zui rode directly on his body and punched his face against his face. .

Tang Ming quickly protected his head, trying not to let Tang drunk hit him.

"Don't fight, Tang drunk, you get up. This is a misunderstanding. I have nothing to do with him." Gu Mian rushed over to pull Tang drunk up.

Gu Mian's advice was okay. Her actions even irritated him. Tang Zui felt that Gu Mian was defending Tang Ming, a wild species who killed his mother!

"Get away!" Tang Zui shook his hands angrily, and flung Gu Mian out, Gu Mian fell on the beach.

"Mianmian, Tang drunk, what are you rushing to me, don't bully Mianmian!" Tang Ming looked at him angrily.

"Mianmian, so intimate, dared to say nothing to me!" Tang Zui took hold of Tang Ming's neck, and he could not kill him.

"I love Mianmian! I love her! Tang drunk, if you don't love her, let her go and fulfill us!" Tang Ming looked at him and said.

"Look for death!" Tang Zui tightened his hands in anger, his eyes were also red, as if bleeding would drip in the next second.

Tang Ming only felt that his breathing was getting weaker and weaker. He looked at the angry man riding on himself and clearly heard that his neck bone was rattled by Tang drunken, his face flushed with red ...

Gu Mian turned around and saw such a scene. Tang Zui was mad at Tang Ming, Tang Ming's face twisted, his legs kicked twice and then he didn't move ...

Gu Mian's head was blank at that time. At that time, she had only one idea. She must not let Tang Zui kill Lu Ming ...

So when she lifted a stone and hit Tang Zui, she was embarrassed at that time. Tang Zui only felt a severe pain in his back brain. His hand finally let go of Tang Ming's neck and he raised his hand Touched his back, his hands were full of blood ...

Gu Mian was so frightened that she dropped the stone on her hand, she kept shaking her head, "I didn't mean it, I couldn't kill myself, I couldn't kill myself!"

Tang Ming coughed violently with his hands around his neck. He felt his throat hurt hot. His eyes kept looking at the frightened Gu Mian, and his heart was like a knife twisting. She was hitting Tang to save herself Drunk.

"You just love him so much that you want to kill your husband!" Tang Zui suddenly laughed, but his smile was particularly sad.

Gu Mian shook her head. It wasn't like that. She didn't want to kill anyone. Just now she really didn't think of anything ...

However, she looked at Tang drunk. She couldn't say a word, and her throat seemed to be blocked with cotton.

Tang Zui suddenly got up. He pulled out his belt and **** Tang Ming, who was unable to move. Gu Mian suddenly had a bad feeling. She glanced at Lu Ming in a panic, and retreated nervously ...

Suddenly Tang Zui came to Gu Mian and pressed her on the big rock beside him. Gu Mian pushed him hard. "Tang Zui, let me go, what are you doing?"

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