Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 321: She killed

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

Tang Zui suddenly couldn't help but cough, and the blood in the corner of his mouth kept flowing outwards. Gu Mian wanted to divorce him to be with Tang Ming!

He took out his mobile phone and called Gu Mian, showing shutdown!

Tang Zui listened to the cold voice of a mechanical **** the phone, and suddenly there was a trace of confusion in his heart.

He immediately dialed another person's phone number. Gu Ling was really flattered when he received the phone call from Tang Zui. He was agitated with some incoherence.


Gu Mian was awakened by a fierce knock on the door. When she woke up, she was sweating coldly. She listened to the sound of her brother yelling outside and opened the door with her body uncomfortable.

But when she opened the door, Tang Zui was standing outside. When Gu Mian saw him, he was going to close the door immediately, and Tang Zui pushed the door open.

Tang Zui stepped in step by step, Gu Mian was frightened and kept back. She knew that she would leave him with a divorce agreement, but she really couldn't continue to be with him.

After Tang Zui came in, he closed the door of the apartment. The loud noise made Gu Mian stunned.

Tang Zui suddenly stepped forward and squeezed her cheek. "Want to divorce me and be with Tang Ming?"

Gu Mian shook her head, "It has nothing to do with him! Divorce is my business and you!"

"Dare you tell me that you don't love Tang Ming's wild species!" Tang Zui thought of a chest tumbling here, and a sweet smell in his throat.

"It doesn't matter if I love him or not!" Gu Mian really wanted to collapse. What did she do wrong? He must treat himself cruelly like this one time and one time!

"You admit that you love Tang Ming!" Tang Zui's eyes were cold and terrible.

"No matter who I love, I don't love you!" Gu Mianyun roared unbearably.

Listening to her, Tang Zui seemed to have a knife in his heart. He didn't know how it hurt, he felt that he must be crazy!

He suddenly sneered. He pushed her into the living room and pushed her down on the sofa. Gu Mian fought desperately. Tang drunk and held her down. He took out his mobile phone and found some videos for Gu Mian. Look.

When Gu Mian saw these videos, the whole body's blood was coagulated. These are all her love videos. She didn't even know when Tang Zui was filmed.

"Tang drunk, did I kill your family? Why did you do this to me!" Gu Mian thought of all kinds of tears that had been falling down since she married him.

"You said that if Tang Ming saw these videos of you again, would he still love you? Or maybe the Tang family saw these videos ... Can the two of you still be together?" Tang drunk, then clicked to send key.

Gu Mian watched Tang Zui before sending out these videos. She suddenly pushed him away like crazy. She grabbed a fruit knife on the coffee table and stabbed at Tang Zui ...

Time seems to be still ...

Gu Mian looked at her hand, and the fruit knife in her hand had penetrated Tang Zui's chest ...

Tang Zui's mobile phone slipped from his hand, he fell from Gu Mian's body, Gu Mianmen's eyes widened, she killed, she killed Tang Zui!


When Su Qianxun returned home, went straight to Su Jiye's room. Zhang Ye saw her like a life-saving straw. She said, "Little Master is really frightened this time. He has been sweating cold. Don't advise him to listen, but what can I do? "

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