Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 325: Always thinking about someone

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

Although he hadn't seen this little girl for a week, he had missed her so much. He had never felt this way before, so he kept thinking about someone all the time.

Sir Long put the phone near his ear and waited for the little girl to talk to him. He was looking forward to the little thing to call himself at this time to say something to him ...

However, after three seconds, Sir Long's face changed suddenly. He threw the mobile phone to Si Mancheng aside and ordered, "Follow up on the whereabouts of Xun Er immediately, she was kidnapped!"

"Wh ... what?" Si Mancheng was a little surprised. Why did he know that Su Chihiro had been abducted as soon as he got off the plane?

"Fast!" Long said that he had rushed out of the airport as fast as possible, and the passengers at the airport were frightened. This speed has exceeded human limits.

Lord Long snatched a car and left. He immediately contacted Tang Zui and asked him to mobilize everyone to track Su Qianxun's whereabouts.

Slow City quickly turned on the tracking system to locate Su Chihiro's phone.


Su Qianxun saw the person in front of her and looked back at her again. She hung up the phone quickly. If she was found to be calling for help now, I'm afraid she would die badly ...

"Have you thrown her cell phone?" The first co-pilot asked suddenly.

"Not paying attention."

Su Qianxun screamed badly, and now she can't delete the call records just now, she just threw the phone in the car, it should be it that it fell out by itself, I hope these people don't doubt.

Sure enough, someone flipped over to the back and saw Su Qianxun's mobile phone next to him. He immediately picked it up and looked at the person in front without any doubt. "She really has a mobile phone. What should I do now ? "

"Throw in the river ahead!"

As the car passed a river, the man opened the window and threw the phone out.

The phone was thrown away. Su Qianxuan was completely panicked. She just called Long Sijue and asked him for help with a Morse code, and she didn't know if he could understand.

She suddenly felt that it was a mistake to call Long Sijue. He is not in the country at all now. Even if he knew that he was in danger, he could not rush back to save himself ...

However, at that moment, she had only one idea, which was to call him for help ...


When the phone was hung up, he lost contact. Si Mancheng immediately sent the last address of the phone to Long Sijue.

Lord Long immediately informed Tang Zui and asked him to rush over, and he accelerated the speed again.

Sir Long held the steering wheel with his hands, and the car was driving on the highway like a lightning ...

"Xuner, you must wait for me!" The man's eyes became redder.


The car drove on the road for almost an hour before stopping. Su Qianxun heard the sound of the car door closing, and then the door next to her was opened and she was carried.

"Is anyone arrested?"

A familiar female voice sounded, and Su Chihiro was completely angry, and she sounded so good at death-Su Ran!

Su Ran looked at Su Qianxun who was arrested, and she didn't mention how much she felt. This **** finally fell into her own hands. She hurt herself so miserably. This time, she wants to let her taste this taste. !!

Su Qianxun was carried into a run-down warehouse by a man, who put her on the ground. Su Ran looked at Su Qianxun's beautiful face, and hatred almost burned her to ashes. Today she must Make this little **** **** and bloody!

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