Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 421: Have we met before?

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

The first time Gu Mian came in, Tang drunk saw her, holding a cup in his hand and turning casually, with a vicious smile on the corner of his mouth.

At the moment Gu Mian saw Tang Zui, his legs were soft, and Tang Ming quickly hugged her.

Tang Ming didn't expect Tang Zui to return. One was too stiff because of the relationship between Tang Zui and his father. Second, Tang Zui hadn't returned to this home for many years.

Tang Lao has been criticizing his son Tang Jiyun for making him drunk.

Tang Jiyun was not convinced, pointing at Tang drunk, "Dad, look at him, look like a dangle boy all day long, if he is half as good as Xiao Ming ..."

"In your eyes, there is only Tang Ming, a son. Did Xiao drunk pick it up?"

"I didn't mean that either ..."

Lu Shuzhen came with Tang Ming and Gu Mian, Tang Ming took the initiative to say hello to Tang Lao and Tang Jiyun.

Gu Mian stood here stiffly, feeling as if she had become a string puppet. The people here couldn't hear anything until ...

"Miss Gu looks familiar, have we seen it before?" Tang Zui looked at her suddenly and asked.

Gu Mian's eyes met with his smiling, non-smiling eyes, and there was a strong irony in his eyes.

"Tang drunk, don't go too far! She's your brother's girlfriend! Not those unscrupulous women you play!" Tang Jiyun said angrily.

"Ah ~~ who said that I'm not serious about playing with women, I pay for it all, but I really mistake your son's girlfriend as ... Miss!"

After listening to Tang Zui's words, Gu Mian only felt 'buzzing' in her head. She knew that if she did not return the 100 million yuan to him one day, he could humiliate himself anytime, anywhere!

"Brother, then you really need to get a pair of near-sighted glasses!" Tang Ming's face was not good-looking either.

"Dad, look at him, it's really ridiculous!"

Tang Lao glanced over Gu Mian, he reached out and patted Tang Zui's legs, and said, "You send me."

"Dad, aren't you having dinner here? This is all done. Today is Ji Yun's birthday."

Where Lu Shuzhen was willing to let Tang Lao go, when he entered the Tang family door, Tang Lao spoke, Tang Zui was the only heir of the Tang family, and her son had no inheritance right at all.

How can Lu Shuzhen reconcile? Over the years, she has been thinking of ways to change this.

However, Tang Lao didn't even look at her, Tang drunk got up and sent Tang Lao to leave.

Gu Mian went to the bathroom with an excuse. After entering, she opened the water tap and poured water on her face. Until this moment, she did not know that Lu Ming and Tang Zui turned out to be brothers!

"No wonder I can't wait to divorce me so eagerly. This is about to marry my dear brother!" Tang Zui came in and looked at her there.

Gu Mian pulled the paper to wipe her face and left. She didn't want to explain to Tang Zui, and she didn't think she needed to explain to him.

Tang Zui felt Gu Mian's disregard for himself. He suddenly turned angry and hit his mirror with his fist ...

Tang Jiyun had been talking to Gu Mian during the meal, apparently liked her, but he had not even seen her son-in-law who had already passed through the door.

It can be seen that Tang Zui and Tang Ming have different positions in his heart.

Tang Jiyun personally gave Gu Mian some dishes. Gu Mian was about to say thank you. Suddenly, she felt her legs caught, Gu Mian was frightened, and the dishes that had been clamped were dropped.

"What's wrong?" Tang Ming looked at her gently.

"It's okay ..." Gu Mian didn't dare to look up. She knew that Tang Zui was intentional and knew that she didn't dare to resist.

After finally having finished the meal, Tang Jiyun immediately asked Tang Ming to sit in his room. Tang Zuyun looked at Tang Jiyun with a sneer and said that he was not serious. He was creating conditions for Tang Ming and Gu Mian ... ...

Tang Zui sneered and went out from the villa's door.

Tang Ming took Gu Mian to his room. Gu Mian was finally able to breathe. Tang Ming hadn't come to talk with Gu Mian, his cell phone rang, and he frowned when he heard the contents of the phone. After turning around, I went out first.

Gu Mian didn't care, she began to look at the room. Eventually, her eyes fell on a photo on the desk. It was a back view. She and Tang Ming were sitting on the tree by the sea ...

This photo brought back the memories in her heart, Gu Mian walked over, and she couldn't help but reach out her finger and touch it gently ...

After a while, she lifted her head with a smile. When she saw a man who was so cold in the mirror that she had no expression, her heart shrank fiercely ...

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