Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 436: No surgery without payment

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

"Sister!" Gu Yan rushed over and looked at her sister nervously.

"You ... you don't have to fight anymore!" Gu father and mother rushed to desperately to save their son.

Those who were besieging Gu Ling also turned around and overthrew Gu Fu and Gu Mu.

The husband and wife also fell to the ground. Gu Fu only felt a choking pain from his heart. The next second, he passed out.

"Husband, husband ... Sleeping, Yaner, come and see your father!" Gu mother shouted at her daughters.

Gu Ling suddenly stood up and pushed away a man who beat him up. He rushed out of the villa and fled.

"Gu Ling, you come back to me!" Gu Mianqi yelled, but she had no time to chase him. She had to save her father first.

Gu Mian quickly gave her father a cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and at the same time asked her younger sister to make an ambulance call. Gu's mother was sitting there feeling terrified, and hugged her little daughter and kept crying.

The family was no longer in charge. Anyone moved. After the ambulance arrived, the Gu family took Gu Fu to the hospital together.

Until his father was sent to the operating room, Gu Mian felt a pain in her hands. She looked down at the green glass and pierced deeper, and her hands were shaking with pain.

"Sister, your hand ... go bandage first." Gu Yan told his mother, and anxiously took her sister to bandage.

The nurse looked at her injury too deeply and said, "You have to sew this up. Do you want to apply anesthetic?"

"Of course I have to fight, otherwise it hurts a lot." Gu Yan said anxiously.

"You have to wait for the anesthetic again, the blood will only bleed more." The nurse looked at Gu Mian's face, all pale.

"Sew directly, I'm fine." Gu Mian now has no time to wait for anesthetics, and now the whole house is in chaos.

Gu Yan also knows that her sister is anaemic and wants to say blood transfusion, but think about the situation at home ...

The little nurse called a male doctor and started to treat Gu Mian's wound. He picked out the glass **** in his hand and then sutured it.

Gu Mian's pain trembled, almost biting her lower lip. The pain was almost in the bone marrow, but she could only hold her teeth.

At the end, Gu Mian's body was soaked, she lay there for a long time, Gu Yan kept calling her name, and the little girl was terrified to cry.

Gu Mian comforted her sister, and the two went to the emergency center. They saw what their mother was talking to the doctor, and the doctor kept waving.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Gu Mian rushed over quickly, holding her mother who was also teetering nervously.

"Your father needs to have surgery right away, otherwise there will be danger to your life. You have to pay half a million for the surgery first, otherwise you can't give him surgery." The doctor said coldly.

"Doctor, I beg you, you have to give my husband an operation first, we must pay the operation fee." Gu mother begged the other party.

"Sorry, the hospital has regulations. You can't perform surgery without paying money. Mr. Gu's situation may be dead at any time. You should think of a way soon." The doctor left, and the mother and daughter were all frightened.

"What to do? Now we have no money in our house." Gu's mother fainted when she was anxious.

The two sisters quickly helped her mother sit down, and she was also a **** and a cripple, and Gu's mother slowed down.

Gu Mian is also the owner of Liushen. Suddenly she looked up and saw Tang Zui getting out of the car and heading for the hospital.

"Yan'er, look at your mother first, and I'll go back as soon as I go." Gu Mian is also desperate. She now has only one idea, first to find the money for her father's surgery.

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