Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 705: I can guarantee this is the last time I see you

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

Su Qianxun looked at it subconsciously when she heard footsteps. When she saw Xia Chuxi, her frown frowned, and she said unhappyly, "What are you doing in my house?"

"Come and see you, and give you something by the way." Xia Chuxi raised the New Year gift in his hand.

"Take it back, we don't need your stuff!" Su Chihiro affixed the horizontal batch and got out of the chair, ready to take his brother home.

"Chihiro, I have something to tell you, talk to me, I can guarantee this is the last time I'll see you."

Xia Chuxi's words stopped Su Qianxun, and she looked at him and said, "Then please ask me to go downstairs and wait for me. I'll send things in first."

"These ..." Xia Chuxi held up his hand.

"Take it back, we don't need your charity even if we are poor!" Su Chihiro finished, took his brother's hand and took him home first.

Zhang Ye had heard who Su Qianxun was talking to, and she came over and asked, "Miss, who is it?"

"Xia Chuxi ... Zhang Ye, you go with Jiye first, I'll go out and see what he is going to do."

Su Qianxun turned and wanted to go out, but Su Jiye stopped him from letting her go.

"It's okay, didn't you listen to him? This is the last time. In order to never see him again, I have to talk to him." Su Qianxuan pushed his brother's hand out of the door.

"Master Ji Ye, wash your hands and eat." Zhang Huan said.

When Su Qianxun went downstairs, Xia Chuxi was waiting for her by his car. She walked to a position about five meters away from him and asked, "What do you have to say?"

Xia Chuxi took out a card from his pocket and said, "There are five million here. I will not ask you to be my woman again, I will not ask you anything. You accept and leave the man. From then on, I will not Will bother you again. "

"I won't collect the money, no matter how I am, it has nothing to do with you, you go back." Su Chihiro said lightly.

"Why don't you just leave that man! Did you fall in love with him?" Xia Chuxi's voice was already angry.

"I said everything, my business has nothing to do with you, no one I love has nothing to do with you."

"If you say that, you have not forgiven me!" Xia Chuxi's brows frowned tightly. He looked at the tender little girl in front of her and felt a strong choking in her chest.

"You're right, I didn't forgive you! Xia Chuxi ... I--Su Chihiro, your ex-fiancee, why should I forgive you!" Su Chihiro's eyes grew colder and colder.

That's right, she never let go of her hatred, just like those who are ungrateful and wicked!

Why should she forgive those who hurt her and her family severely!

Not only will she not forgive, but after she rescues everyone in the family, she will find an opportunity to take back things belonging to the Su family, and ask those people to pay the due price!

"I don't want to have any more encounters with you in the future, it doesn't mean that I have forgiven you!" Su Chihiro's voice was powerful.

"You ... haven't you ever awakened yourself? Who did you mess up with at the beginning? Every night and no night? You all slept with other people, and your first night gave no one to know. Do you still count on me? Love you as always? "Xia Chuxi was very angry every time she mentioned this, she felt a shame of being hated!

Because it is her, he hates it even more!

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