Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Chapter 743: Who am I harmful to?

Biquge, the fastest update Good morning, Mr. Long! latest chapter!

In Drunk's ward, he still didn't wake up.

Gu Mian asked the doctor when Dr. Tang was able to wake up. The doctor said that it would be tonight as early as possible, and asked her to pay attention to hygiene to prevent infection of Tang Zui's wounds.

After the doctor left, Gu Mian continued to keep Tang drunk, but her heart was agitated. Her cell phone rang and it was a call from home. She got up and went outside to pick it up.

"Mianmian, what's going on with Tang Zui? Why isn't your brother back yet?" Gu mother asked anxiously.

"Mom, Tang Zui was seriously injured in order to save me yesterday, and he is still unconscious. Will my brother wait until he wakes up to talk about it? Let my brother take a lesson this time, it is better than something serious." Gu Mian is uncomfortable now.

After listening to her daughter's words, Gu's mother was silent for a while and asked, "What about Tang Zui now?"

"Still in a coma, the doctor said that he can wake up at night at the earliest." Gu Mian was really worried, panic-stricken.

"You talk about you, are you naughty again, you don't have to do that again in the future, you can't hurt people anymore."

"I'm naughty? Mom, what are you talking about? I'm right? What else can I do no more? I've done no harm?"

Gu Mian was already in a bad mood, and was even more uncomfortable by her mother.

"Okay, you haven't harmed anyone, should we go to the hospital to see Tang drunk." Gu mother asked.

"No, you don't need to bother me about Gu Ling anymore. I believe Tang Zui has arranged everything." Gu Mian hung up the phone after speaking.

When Si Mancheng came over, she saw she was standing outside and asked, "How is Tang drunk? Why isn't he inside?"

"Uh ... take a call ... I want to ask ... Did the Tang family know about Tang Zui's injuries?"

Gu Mian really feels that Tang should be someone to see him in such a severe situation, but none of them appeared.

"I have sent someone to inform the Tang family, but you also know that his relationship with his father is particularly poor. As for other people, it is even less likely to care about his life or death, or look forward to his death."

Gu Mian frowned, how eccentric Tang Zui's father was. She had seen it, but Tang Zui had suffered such a serious injury. His father did not even look at him ...

She entered the ward with Si Mangcheng. Gu Mian looked at the quiet man lying on the bed, only to feel that her heart began to stab and hurt again. She even felt bad for this man ...

Gu Mian also knew that she might be crazy. Tang Zui had done so many abominable things to him, but at this moment, looking at the man who seemed to be abandoned by the whole world, she really felt that he was actually very poor.


Tang family.

Tang Jiyun's family of three came back from the old house with a smile and laughter. Lu Shuzhen was in a very good mood today, because Tang's attitude towards Tang Ming finally eased, and he was considered to recognize the grandson.

Tang Jiyun was also very happy. He received news that Tang was drunk and was seriously hospitalized, but he felt that Tang was drunk and he was well. Otherwise, don't expect to die out this year. The little **** must have given him all sorts of unhappiness. !!

Tang Ming was also relieved. Only when Tang Lao acknowledged him, he had the opportunity to sit up with Tang Zui and compete with Tang Zui.

When the housekeeper saw Tang Jiyun coming back, although he knew that he might be scolded, he felt that the young master was too pitiful, so he asked, "Master, have you seen the young master at the hospital? Master said that the young master was really hurt this time Not light. "

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