Xue Zhiqi! Isn't she Mei Qixian's sister?

Wang Xinyi was stunned. I'll go! A man thinks his sister is a * *?!

The key is that this woman lives in the bedroom opposite her. After falling in love with Mei Qixian, she sometimes meets her on the road. She will jokingly call her sister-in-law... Now it seems that there is something strange there.

Xue Zhiqi looked at herself in the mirror, smiled with satisfaction and walked out with her head held high.

Wang Xinyi packed up his things and waited for a few minutes to leave. He watched carefully all the way, worried about meeting Mei Qixian and his friends.

She didn't want him to know that she had been here tonight, so she was going to sneak through the back door of the bar.

The bar is on the fourth floor, the first to third floors are shopping malls, the fifth to ninth floors are five-star hotels, and the rooftop is an open-air cafe.

Wang Xinyi came to the lane to the back door, and men and women with wine stood on both sides.

There were several pairs of people hugging and kissing each other. Their hands touched each other irregularly. The scale was too large, but there was no one else.

Wang Xinyi was a little embarrassed and pretended to pass through the crowd as if nothing had happened.

4、 Five ruffian youths gathered together, smoking cigarettes, colorful hair, yellow and skinny, and dressed strangely in hip-hop.

Seeing Wang Xinyi passing by them, he looked at her wantonly with a yellow hairy eye.

Provocative motioned to several ruffian youths next to her. Several men immediately showed their colors, dumped their cigarettes and followed her.

Wang Xinyi felt the change behind him. Looking back, he saw several men looking at her like drooling jackals, which was disgusting.

"What do you want?!" she asked a very stupid question, but straightened her back and made herself look not afraid.

Huang Mao came to the force and joked, "sister, you look so watery. Play with your brothers!"

Wang Xinyi knew that he was not the opponent of several men, and said with disdainful bluff, "Oh, do you know who I am? Dare you ask me to accompany you!"

Then he turned his head and continued to walk forward without looking back.

Several estrous men were stunned, and the head Huang Mao was unwilling, "shit! Whoever she is, the duck can't fly away. Brothers, keep up!"

Several men agreed, nodded and followed.

The back door of the bar is actually the stairs of the building. Wang Xinyi turned to the entrance of the stairs and hurried downstairs.

Just came to the corner where the third and fourth floors intersected. Several men had followed the stairs. Wang Xinyi was surprised and ran to the third floor.

There are shopping malls on the third floor and below. They dare not mess with a large number of people.

When she ran to the third floor staircase door, she pushed hard, shit! How is it locked!! The mall is closed?!

She didn't care and went downstairs, "ah!"

A sprain at the foot hurts! High heels fall off the chain at the critical moment!

When Wang Xinyi hesitated, several men behind him had arrived and surrounded her.

"What kind of famous lady do you pretend to be? You're running!" Huang Mao looked at her condescending, "brothers, just do the right thing!"

Several men fought up and down. Wang Xinyi struggled with all his strength. He saw the Yellow haired salted pig claw passing by his eyes and raised his head to bite hard.

"Ah..." Huang Mao cried in pain, and his other hand greeted Wang Xinyi on his face, "Damn it! Will you let it go?!"

Wang Xinyi's face was numb with pain. He felt a little dizzy in his head, but he still bit Huang Mao's hand hard on his mouth. The smell of fishy and sweet came from the tip of his tongue.

Suddenly, her body was in severe pain everywhere. Several ruffians were kicking her with their feet. Her mouth gradually lost strength. Huang Mao tried to pull it out. He saw blood and flesh on his hands and his eyes were angry.

"* *, rape first and then kill!!"

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