Mei Qixian didn't get off work yet, so he called to say hello to Wang Xinyi's position and drove enthusiastically to find her.

When I came to the dessert shop mentioned by Wang Xinyi, I saw two beauties sitting opposite and laughing, beautiful as a picturesque fairy.

He went up and shouted, "Xin Yi..." he looked at Nuojin on one side and was stunned. He asked Wang Xin Yi, "who is this?"

Wang Xinyi pointed to one side of the chair and motioned Mei Qixian to sit down. "This is my childhood playmate. His name is Nuojin."

Mei Qixian slightly bent over and politely stretched out his hand, "Hello!"

Nuojin raised his hand and shook hands with him, smiling like a flower, "Hello!"

Mei Qixian withdrew his hand and then sat down. "What do you want to eat?"

Wang Xinyi looked at the empty plate in front of her eyes, "I'm full."

"Sorry, I'm late."

"You're too early." Wang Xinyi looked at the time. "It's only 4:30 now. How long should you get off work early."

"It doesn't matter. My father just let me get familiar with the company first. I haven't officially started yet."

Wang Xinyi looked at Nuojin and said to Mei Qixian, "Nuojin is a model. If your company needs it, you can find her."

Mei Qixian looked at Nuojin and smiled gently, "if you have a chance, you must cooperate."

Nuojin smiled and replied, "yes. Oh, by the way, I'll look at my palms and help you two look at it later?"

Mei Qixian didn't believe that kind of thing, but it's not good to refuse Nuojin's interest. He looked at Wang Xinyi with soft eyes and stretched out his hand to Nuojin, "then help us have a look."

Nuojin took Mei Qixian's hand and pretended to be an old driver. Her facial expression was very rich. Suddenly, she used the ring in her hand to "miso" Mei Qixian's finger.

Mei Qixian felt the tingling of his fingers for a moment, pulled back his hand, saw the bleeding fingers, opened his eyes and looked at Nuojin, "what are you doing

"Look at your peach blossom palm. Give me a lesson!"

Mei Qixian looked at Nuojin deeply and greeted Wang Xinyi with a smile, "No."

She raised her head and smiled comfortingly at Mei Qixian. "I believe you..." that's strange!

Wang Xinyi is a little puzzled about Nuojin's practice. Can the disease be transmitted by blood? But it's just a stab. Is it so easy? She looked at norkin and saw her smile at herself. She suddenly shuddered. I've been in close contact with her for so long, can't I have the chance

Nuojin picked up his handbag and said to them, "I'll go to the bathroom."

After listening to Wang Xinyi's "um", she turned and left.

In restroom, she washed as like as two peas, then took out a tissue and dried it. She took out a box from the bag and pulled out a ring of exactly the same shape, and changed it with her hands. Then he took out the white unknown spray, and began to spray on his body. There was no missing place, and he sprayed several more on his hand.

After all, she looked at the mirror in front of the sink and looked at her clean and white skin. Hum! How could she get such a disgusting disease.

Nuojin took out his mobile phone and called Gu Yunting. "Gu Shao, the task has been completed."

Gu Yunting said with an expected expression, "the money will arrive in two minutes... 1.9 million!"

Nuojin asked reluctantly, "why is there 100000 less."

"Mo Mingfei offered me 100000."

Nuojin's dark curse, Mo Mingfei, leaked again.

Gu Yunting seemed to know what she was thinking and coldly reminded her, "don't have a second time."

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