Ni en knows that only Gu Yunting knows what happened between himself and Mei Qixian. He is such a person who will consider Xinyi's feelings. He will not tell her anything.

She is not only glad that Gu Yunting is the only one who knows, but also most afraid that Gu Yunting knows that he is his own world. He knows what he will think of Wang Xinyi's behavior. He knows how he feels when he has sex with other men

Ni en looked up and saw the scarlet blood stains on the white bed. Her heart was broken and muddy tears fell. Last night, it was her first time, the most precious first time in a woman's life


Wang Xinyi changed her clothes and leaned against the door of the bathroom. Gu Yunting was brushing her teeth. She looked blankly and smiled foolishly.

A handsome man is a handsome man. He looks so good even brushing his teeth

The facial features, temperament and figure are mainly those eight attractive abdominal muscles

Wang Xinyi's eyes, unconsciously, glanced at Gu Yunting's collar and felt that the man's spirit was a little better~

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Gu Yunting looked back at Wang Xinyi. He knew when she came, but he didn't expect the little girl to look at herself with such eyes

Look at the position where the eyes stay, why is it still down your chest? Gu Yunting immediately frowned and raised his hand to push Wang Xinyi's head.

"When did you become so lecherous!"

Wang Xinyi looked at Gu Yunting with an ignorant face, "you are lecherous!"

People just look at it and don't do anything. He also says he's lecherous. He just likes abdominal muscles. He can't!

Gu Yunting glanced at Wang Xinyi from head to foot and said faintly, "you can't find it all over your body. I can see the color..."

Wang Xinyi looked angry, "Gu Yunting!!!"

Gu Yunting completely ignored her roar, went out of the bathroom directly and pushed her in, "it stinks to death if you don't brush your teeth!"

Stink!!! Wang Xinyi is angry with her hands. It doesn't taste at all? Gu Yunting is crazy! If it stinks, he still says so much to himself!

Wang Xinyi angrily picked up the disposable toiletries placed on one side and squeezed it hard against a small toothpaste. Gu Yunting, I'll strangle you!


Ni en smoothly returned to his guest room, and then turned over pieces of clothes and skirts in the suitcase

After reading everything, she sat uneasily on the ground and was unhappy. None of them was high collar. When she went back later, she would be seen on the road. The kiss mark on her neck was very obvious!

Finally, she thought of a solution, picked up a chiffon skirt and tore it up, and then it became a long silk scarf


As soon as Wang Xinyi finished washing, she heard her cell phone ringing. She trotted out of the bathroom, picked up her cell phone and saw that it was you Xuan.

As soon as she picked up, she heard you Xuan's soft voice, "Xin Yi ~ I woke up hungry and wanted to go down to breakfast. Did you get up?"

Wang Xinyi directly turned on the hands-free, took out the comb from the bag and replied, "I'm all washed and combing my hair. You can hurry up..."

You Xuan didn't know that Wang Xinyi turned on the hands-free and directly asked: "Xinyi, I slept vaguely last night. It seems that I heard someone shouting in the bed opposite. Gu Yunting didn't run to your room and put you on..."

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