With this posture, Gu Yunting soon fell asleep. When holding her in his arms, he felt extremely satisfied and relieved.


It was another fresh and bright morning. Wang Xinyi slowly opened her confused eyes and saw Gu Yunting holding herself. She blinked. She was used to seeing Gu Yunting holding herself when she woke up. Therefore, she didn't push him away.

In fact, she thinks Gu Yunting's arms are still very comfortable. At least, she had a beautiful dream last night

She and Gu Yunting are now in opposite positions, and their hands are even on Gu Yunting's waist. Sometimes, she really laments her good sleep. She climbs a man in bed at midnight and holds her. She doesn't feel at all. She obviously doesn't belong to a pig.

Wang Xinyi opened her eyes and looked at Gu Yunting's enlarged appearance in front of her. She slept so handsome. God, sometimes you are really unfair.

She couldn't help raising her hand and gently touched Gu Yunting's eyebrows, then scraped the tip of his nose, and then touched his sexy lips

But suddenly, Gu Yunting opened his mouth quickly, put Wang Xinyi's fingers in his mouth on the spot, and then gently bit and let go.

Wang Xinyi withdrew his hand in fright, looked at Gu Yunting uneasily, and then asked in fear, "when did you wake up!?"

Gu Yunting slowly opened his eyes and said, "before you wake up!"

Wang Xinyi stared at Gu Yunting blankly. So, did he feel all his actions on his face? Should I be so embarrassed, or should I be caught at the scene!?

She stammered: "well... You have eye droppings on your face. I was just wiping it for you!"

Gu Yunting looked at her speechless, "Wang Xinyi, can you not make such a boring excuse!?"

"Ha ha..." Wang Xinyi giggled awkwardly, and then directly praised Gu Yunting, "that's because you're very handsome."

Gu Yunting smiled with satisfaction, then kissed Wang Xinyi deeply on his forehead and said casually, "I know."

Wang Xinyi was a little silly for a moment. Can Gu Yunting stop being so narcissistic!!

After Tucao, Wang Xin Yi make complaints about his legs. Why? So she gently bent her knee again, but it still didn't hurt. It seems that she has recovered.

She excitedly told Gu Yunting, "my legs are good. I can go to work today!"

Then she got up and got ready to get up. Gu Yunting looked at it, quickly grabbed her and said firmly, "no, you can't go today or tomorrow."

"Ah?!" Wang Xinyi was at a loss. "Why?! Gu Yunting, you want to imprison me!"

"I think you just want to go to work. Your body can't stand it."

Wang Xinyi looked at Gu Yunting somewhat puzzled. "It's acceptable for you to ask me not to go today, but why do you ask me not to go tomorrow?"

Gu Yunting patted her on the face and said with a smile, "tomorrow, I have plans."

"Arrangement? ~" Wang Xinyi was confused and confused, "Gu Yunting, what are your arrangements?..."

Gu Yunting smiled calmly and said slowly, "you'll know tomorrow!"

Wang Xinyi ran to tears. Why, Gu Yunting said so every time. Can you have some novel words!

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