Of course, Wang Xinyi didn't know what the shopping guide thought. He directly asked her, "I need 100% silk fabric. Do you have it here?"

The shopping guide was stunned, and then took Wang Xinyi to a shelf next to him. "Beauty, these are new goods in our store. Look, do you like them?"

Wang Xinyi glanced at Gu Yunting roughly, then looked at Gu Yunting behind him, "young master Gu, help me choose!"

Gu Yunting stopped. It's strange. Ask him to choose cloth?

"What are you used to do? I have a number in my heart. I can choose a better point."

"Oh ~ you don't care what I do. Just choose what you think looks good with your man's eyes."

Hearing Wang Xinyi's words, Gu Yunting frowned and chose with his man's eyes? What's this little girl doing?

Gu Yunting came to the shelf and looked carefully. Then he shook his head helplessly to Wang Xinyi. He thought these designs and colors were almost the same

After hesitating for a while, he raised his hand and pointed to several elegant patterns, "how about these?"

Wang Xinyi looked at the cloth pointed by Gu Yunting very seriously. The pattern is clearly used by women. It can make a tie for Gu Yunting. He is not a mother gun~

She frowned and didn't speak. Alas, forget it. She'd better choose it by herself. She can't directly ask Gu Yunting to choose men. Isn't it exposed.

Gu Yunting looked at her reaction, thought Wang Xinyi was not satisfied, and then pointed to several other patterns, "what about these?"

Wang Xinyi shook his head lightly, slipped his wheelchair, walked two steps closer, and then picked up a piece of dark blue diagonal stripe fabric. This kind of tie should be more beautiful.

Then he handed it to the shopping guide, "that's it. Wrap it for me!"

Gu Yunting looked at the cloth held by the shopping guide's mobile phone. Women use this pattern. It's either strong women or neutral style. It may also be used by men

He casually asked Wang Xinyi, "what did you do when you bought it?"

Wang Xinyi blinked and looked at Gu Yunting with a smile. "I haven't thought of it yet."

Gu Yunting didn't believe what she said, but she didn't ask much. She came on a whim and was in a hurry to buy it today. She will definitely use it in the afternoon. At that time, he will know

Wang Xinyi wandered around the store for a while. Then when he saw what was good-looking and needed, he bought it. When he checked out, he found that there were more than 10000, just some fabrics. Although they were good, they were not much... They were so expensive

She took out her bank card with lingering fear. It's all right. She's about to pay her salary. She has come to Shengye for a month.

But when she handed the shopping guide the bank card, Gu Yunting first touched his card and said casually, "brush mine!"

The cashier looked at their movements, smiled, and then habitually prepared to take the man's card. Wang Xinyi was stunned, quickly handed the card forward, and then another hand pressed Gu Yunting's hand down.

"Hello, swipe my card!"

Gu Yunting was a little unhappy and put the card directly on the cashier.

The cashier looked back and forth in some embarrassment. In fact, she wanted to brush with Gu Yunting's card, but Wang Xinyi insisted

Wang Xinyi quickly took Gu Yunting's bank card on the table in his hand, and then handed the card to the cashier again, "brush mine!"

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