On this day of Tanabata, Wang Xinyi knew in a hurry. I wanted to know in advance and buy some beautiful and favorite new clothes. However, it seems that Gu Yunting has bought many new clothes for himself. Even half of them have not taken off the tag.

Wang Xinyi doesn't know why she suddenly attaches so much importance to this Valentine's day. It may be the first time, or it may be because of Gu Yunting.

When she went to bed last night, she specially washed her hair and clamped it with a curling stick. When she went to bed, she also set a six o'clock alarm clock.

As soon as she heard the alarm ring in the morning, she got up from the bed with a "miso", then rubbed her eyes, dragged herself sleepily away and came to the bathroom.

She opened the cold water and washed her face with cold water in her hands. Suddenly, the cool touch woke her confused head.

After she washed, she went to the wardrobe to choose clothes. She looked at the bright and colorful dawn outside the window. It seems that today is another sunny day

Under her careful screening, she finally took a tight fitting suit from the wardrobe. It was wine red. The upper body was a sleeveless high waist and the lower body was a short skirt. The style was simple and generous. It also decorated her figure, making her look a lot petite and exquisite.

After changing, she came to the dressing table and sat down. She looked in the mirror and took down the curling stick from her hair, and then set it with some gel water.

She looked at her fluffy, natural and curly hair. She felt good about herself. She was a little more mature than usual.

After the hair was done, he began to make up for himself. He was more careful than usual. He also specially brushed his eyelashes to make his eyes look big


After Gu Yunting got up, he habitually changed into a clean shirt and trousers. The only difference is that the tie he wears today is the one given to him by Wang Xinyi.

After cleaning up, he went downstairs directly. When he passed Wang Xin's door, he hesitated to stop, and then wanted to let her sleep more, so he went downstairs directly.

He knew that Wang Xinyi got up long before he got up. Now he is in the room, dressed up carefully

Gu Yunting sat on the sofa in the living room, casually picked up the newspaper on the tea table and looked at it. After a while, he raised his hand and looked at his watch. It's eight o'clock. Why hasn't wang Xinyi got up yet, which is not in line with her previous style of getting up early?

When he hesitated to go upstairs and call her, Wang Xinyi gradually appeared at the corner of the stairs. The first thing that came into Gu Yunting's eyes was the black thin high heels on her feet

Gu Yunting was stunned. Then she saw Wang Xinyi slowly come down. She stood high, looked down at Gu Yunting, and then raised a natural and sweet smile.

"Sorry, I'm a little late today..."

Gu Yunting looked at her absently for a few seconds, then hung his eyes and put down the newspaper in his hand, "eat first, and we'll go out after eating!"

Gu Yunting saw Wang Xinyi's exquisite makeup and different hairstyle. She must have been busy with these and delayed her time. However, it's said that a woman's face is to please herself. She must know it's Valentine's day because she works so hard today. Then she dresses up for herself. It's a good feeling

Wang Xinyi sat in the dining room, and then looked at Gu Yunting's expectation, "where are we going after breakfast?"

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