Gu Yunting didn't know how long he looked at each other like this until he heard the sound of the files on his computer. He frowned slightly and sat back in his office chair. Then he picked up his cell phone and gave strict orders to Wang Xinyi's bodyguard.

"Keep an eye on Miss Wang's surroundings recently and report to me at any time!"

After sending it, Gu Yunting sat in his office chair in a daze. He felt it when he went to Wang Xinyi's company for lunch today. Her relationship between Shengye and her colleagues is not an ordinary alienation. Everything happens for a reason. It must be that she provoked some high-level people in Shengye


The two bodyguards around Wang Xinyi are dedicated and rigorous people. During working hours, they only set the boss's mobile phone number as a white list, and other phones can't be called.

Wang Xinyi was seriously drawing the design drawing. Although there were four people in the office, no one spoke, but it was very quiet.

But in the quiet environment, she suddenly heard a special text message. She stopped writing and listened carefully with sharp ears, but she didn't hear it again

She looked puzzled at the two bodyguards beside her. It must have been one of them whose cell phone was ringing.

It's not surprising that Wang Xinyi wants to find out that it's their mobile phone. Instead, it's the first time they've been around for so long that she hears the voice of mobile phone text messages, which makes her think... Is it from Gu Yunting?

The two bodyguards were embarrassed when Wang Xinyi looked at them. They repeatedly lowered their heads and acquiesced

Wang Xinyi was more interested and asked directly, "but Gu Yunting sent it?"

The two bodyguards looked frozen and said, "yes, Miss Wang."

Wang Xinyi looked at them gently and asked, "can you show me what he sent?"

She thought that Gu Yunting's message with the two bodyguards must have something to do with her. In this way, she had more reverie

The two bodyguards looked at each other with hesitation and loss on their face. After a few seconds, they slowly took out their mobile phone and handed it to Wang Xinyi.

She excitedly took over her mobile phone and clicked on the unread message: Recently, keep an eye on the situation around Miss Wang and report to me at any time!

Seeing these words, Wang Xinyi's heart warmed slightly and said that Gu Yunting would not be involved in his own affairs, but he was still watching his situation behind his back. He was really not confident about himself.

However, Gu Yunting reminded the bodyguards like this. Do you already know something? Is it hard for someone to hurt themselves again? Xu Le?!

Wang Xinyi returned her mobile phone to the bodyguard and looked suspiciously at Xu Le. She was very quiet. She had been staring at what the computer was writing. She looked extremely serious.

Wang Xinyi frowned slightly. Alas, she didn't expect Xu Le to come up with any bad ideas to fix herself. She can only say it at that time

Just as Wang Xinyi was distracted and thinking about things, Nuojin called. The originally dim look on her face suddenly brightened up. Nuojin's phone is generally good news.

Sure enough, Nuojin said happily as soon as the phone was connected: "Xin Yi, I've caught Zhang Na running away, and my progress will be accelerated accordingly. I'll try to open the court next week. I'll inform you of the specific time, and then tell you some relevant information."

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