"I know everything!"

Wang Xinyi said this sentence. There is something angry about his own affairs. Why does Gu Yunting manage himself so much? Even if he is a boyfriend and girlfriend, can he give himself some space and freedom!

You know?! Gu Yunting narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Wang Xinyi seriously. She knew that she wouldn't be in a strange mood. She still pretended with him here.

"You tell me, you know, what is it? Huh?"

Wang Xinyi blinked a few big eyes, "that... I... why should I tell you? Don't you know? Ask me!"

"Hum!" Gu Yunting suddenly put Wang Xinyi down, then slowly got up and sat upright aside, "I don't care how much you know, I have to pretend that I don't know anything! I remind you, not for me, but for yourself."

Wang Xinyi knows that Gu Yunting is not scaring herself, but she really can't help but want to investigate other people's affairs. Of course, she doesn't have that curiosity, but it's about herself.

"I remember."

"Just remember, you have to do it yourself."

"Well, I see."

"It's getting late, you go to work!" Gu Yunting raised his hand and saw that the minute hand was moving to two o'clock, and then reminded Wang Xinyi.

"Oh..." Wang Xinyi also secretly glanced at Gu Yunting for fear, and then slowly stretched out his hand to take his handbag.

When she touched the zipper of the bag, she quickly went to her side, then opened the door vigorously and walked forward.

She didn't know why Gu Yunting was angry just now, because she didn't listen to him, or was she worried that she knew there was danger and looked forward?

Wang Xinyi clearly knows that if her mother is really the daughter of the Su family, she can't leave home for no reason, or she hasn't gone back to her death

She was walking absently. The bodyguard she had followed suddenly said, "Miss Wang, it's two o'clock in a minute. You may be late for going up."

Wang Xinyi was stunned and looked at the two bodyguards. She really couldn't tell whether it was Guo Yi or Guo er.

"Since it's only one minute, I haven't even entered the gate of Shengye. I must be late, and I don't have to go there in vain."

The two bodyguards nodded and didn't say anything more.

Maybe Wang Xinyi's broken pot mentality is wrong, but she is a little depressed at this time and doesn't want to move.

So she walked slowly to Shengye's lobby. When she went to take the elevator, she naturally passed the front desk where he Li was.

She instinctively didn't look more, but many times, you don't make trouble, and some people just want to take the initiative to stir up right and wrong.

"Oh, Miss Wang, it's only Monday today. Why are you late? How good the treatment of this company is. There are only three hours for work in the afternoon. You're still late."

Wang Xinyi heard what he Li said, but there was no movement waiting for the elevator to come down. He didn't turn an eye to He Li from beginning to end.

She is a person who doesn't like to make trouble. Besides, her heart is still a little heavy today.

Seeing Wang Xinyi's appearance, he Li was even more dissatisfied, "Wang, I'm talking to you. You're deaf!"

Wang Xinyi turned a deaf ear to what was going on around her and let he Li continue. She solved it as if he Li were a fly.

When the elevator came down, Wang Xinyi went in directly without leaving a look.

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