The next day, Wang Xinyi got out of bed at the same time as before, and then put on a generous and decent makeup. Today's court session

After the morning run with Gu Yunting, he went home for breakfast, and then Gu Yunting drove her to the court.

Wang Xinyi knew his own business, and Gu Yunting knew it, so he didn't mention the hearing with him, but he brought himself silently.

When he came to the door of the court, Nuojin was already waiting for her, so he came forward to greet her. "It starts at 9:30. You can go to have a rest first, and I'll tell you some precautions by the way."

With that, Nuojin looked at Gu Yunting behind Wang Xinyi and smiled, "Gu Shao, you can trust the boss's wife to me!"

Wang Xinyi also thought that Gu Yunting would go to work after sending him away, but he didn't mean to go after him.

"Gu Yunting, well... Aren't you going to work today?"

"If you don't go to work for a day, you won't delay much. I want to accompany you." after that, Gu Yunting walked in to the court first.

Wang Xinyi is in a trance. Nuojin has arranged everything. Gu Yunting has nothing to worry about.

Nuojin was quiet and didn't speak. Gu shaozai was better. Maybe there were more golden awards because of his good performance

All the procedures of the court session were very smooth. Even what the other lawyer would say, Nuojin analyzed it in advance and overturned it one by one.

Norkin got enough evidence. As soon as he took it out, the other party's lawyer couldn't refute it in words.

Zhang Na also looked hopelessly at her lawyer, but she was plagiarizing. The other party found evidence again. She really can't confuse the false with the true.

She stared at Wang Xinyi fiercely. This woman was so simple and deceptive when she cheated before. Why did she suddenly come to Tongcheng and stick with herself? It's really not easy to see that the powerful helper behind Wang Xinyi can get herself back from abroad.

I didn't lose to Wang Xinyi, but to the people behind her

Finally, the court's decision of course was that Wang Xinyi won the lawsuit, and then let Zhang Na compensate Wang Xinyi for nearly three million yuan. It includes all the benefits brought by Zhang Na's plagiarism of Wang Xinyi's works, and then spiritual loss fees and so on.

Zhang Na is also very direct. She has already pieced together to find the money. She has long known that she is likely to lose the lawsuit. Hiring a lawyer is just a fluke.

She was afraid of going to jail, so she would give the money to Wang Xinyi as much as she could. At least, she admitted that she could not fight the people behind Wang Xinyi.

However, the future is not certain. As long as she is not in prison, she will have a chance to turn over. No one knows if she loses the lawsuit. Therefore, she must have a chance to come out and press Wang Xinyi hard under her feet, the woman who humiliated her today.

Wang Xinyi was happy and looked at the transfer message sent by the bank in her mobile phone. She didn't expect that Zhang Na was really surprised to make money so fast.

She looked at Gu Yunting, who was a few steps ahead of her, and said generously, "I'm going to invite you to dinner today!"

Gu Yunting said directly without looking back: "you'd better leave that little money to yourself to buy something! As for dinner, of course I invited you..."

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